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The loud banging on the door frightened me as I wondered who was knocking so urgently and what they wanted. Before my father had a chance to open, the door came flying open and several officials dressed in all white suits came barging through the open door.

“Mr and Mrs Jasmine, I’m afraid we’ve received disturbing news about your daughter Cattleya Jasmine and have come with official warrants for her medical assessment. We have reason to believe that she is a threat to herself and or others. It is advised that she come with us where she will receive the proper treatment for her condition and possible delusions.” The official handed the piece of paper to my dad and proceeded to come at me.

Thrashing and screaming for help. Crying with all my might, I begged them to leave me alone. “Please, please, I don’t know what you’re talking about, please let me go” I pleaded. The tears burning my eyes and blurring my vision. My parents rushing to my aid trying to stop them, but the officials held them back. Threatening to have them locked up for interference in federal obligations.

I kicked the one gripping my arm on the left and elbowed the one on my right in the chin. Momentarily free I ran for the door. If I could only get away from them, I’d run and never stop running. Just before I reached the door, arms around my waist, a grip so tight I couldn’t get any air. Then a pinch in my neck and everything went black.

My head feels fuzzy and I smell a strong scent of ammonia which stings in my nose and threatens my gag reflex. I try to wipe what feels like sleep in my eyes, but my hands won’t move. My eyes feel heavy and I don’t hear a single thing. Slowly I try to open my eyes and immediately I remember what had happened.

They must have sedated me. My wrists are strapped to the bed and my eyes still sting. I’m in a room with only a single bed. The walls, floor and ceiling are white. It’s blinding. There’s a tube coming out of my arm leading up to a bag dripping a clear liquid. They’re keeping me drugged.

A realisation suddenly occurs to me, Adam did this. Adam must have told someone about my visions. Why else would they lock me up? They think I’m crazy, he’s the only one that knows about my second vision. How could he do this to me. Fresh tears threaten to burn my cheeks. I need to get out of here.

The door to my room opens, a heavy-set nurse with white scrubs and dirty brown hair comes in with a silver tray. From what I can see on the tray, syringes with all types of strange coloured liquids lay atop. The nurse proceeds to inject a few of the different types of medication into my drip and smiles a sinister smile. One that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

She stands there for a moment, with her hands behind her back and her eyes suddenly roam my body. Instantly my body stiffens under her gaze. I don’t like the way she’s looking at me. A man enters the room, dressed in a grey suit and has a clipboard in his hands. “Ah, Miss Jasmine, I presume. Hope you’re making yourself comfortable and I have heard the fuss you put up when our officials went to collect you. I assume you know this is the reason you are restrained?” he looks up from his digital clipboard and raises his eyebrows pointedly.

Not waiting for an answer, he continues “I hope you realise that with your cooperation Miss Jasmine, this could go a whole lot easier. You tell us what we want to know, and we make your stay here a little more comfortable. It doesn’t have to be a horrible experience for you.” He says smiling. “Right. Nurse Cecile has administered some drugs to help with anxiety and hallucinations. It might make you drowsy, so feel free to take a nap.” With this he leaves the room and Nurse Cecile takes a last look at my drip. Before leaving, she takes the needle she had used and traced it up my thigh starting from my knee, working her way up. I had no way to defend myself. This woman should not be a nurse. I was scared, and I had no way to move away from her. Tears continued to flow down my cheeks, and I realised that I couldn’t even scream, whatever she gave me in the drip had made my muscles completely numb, including my vocal cords.

She leaned forward to whisper into my ear as she continued to trace the needle ever so slowly approaching an area I wouldn’t want her near, “We’re going to have a lot of fun with you little one. You sit tight and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be in to check on you a little later. When everyone’s asleep.” She kisses me on the cheek and makes her way out of my room.

I’m trapped in a place more dangerous than I’ve ever been in my life. The staff are crazier than the patients and there is no escape for me. I couldn’t sleep. Despite the strong tranquilizing drugs, they’d given. I fought tooth and nail to keep my eyes wide awake. I couldn’t bear the thought of that nurse coming back. I lay awake all-night staring at that door awaiting my impending doom.

The nurse never came back. Early hours of the next morning I finally couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer and had resigned myself to my fate. What ever will happen will happen, I’m just too tired to care anymore. I thought. Nothing happened. The nurse coming to check on me the next day was male. He seemed much friendlier than the previous nurse and when I asked him about her, he said that she was night staff and that they changed shifts at 6 every morning and 6 every evening.
This was a relief and I decided to try to co operate with the staff to have my restraints removed. I needed to at least be able to defend myself when Nurse Creepy came back. I drank every pill they gave me, despite how funny it made me feel. I attended the activity classes they said I should.

The intercom announced that it was time for my appointment with Dr Weston. He was the Dr that had come to speak to me the night before. I was nervous. I didn’t know what to tell him. I couldn’t tell him about the visions. Then again, I couldn’t lie, I didn’t know everything that Adam had told him about me.

Walking into Dr Weston’s office, I noticed everything was clean. He didn’t have pot plants to make patients feel more comfortable. Everything was clinical and meticulous. Every stylus on its’ place. Looking at the man you could see it on him as well. He was a perfectionist. His hair was slicked back carefully, every strand smoothed down. I was scared that if he got angry a strand would pop up like Cruella Deville when the clock went off and she went crazy. He reminded me of a patient evil villain, who would stop at nothing to get rid of the hero.

I knew that if I didn’t tell Dr Evil what he wanted to hear, I’d be stuck in this place for the rest of my life. Most likely not being able to remember my own name as my brain turns to jelly from all the different types of drugs they pumped into my system.

“Miss Jasmine, so nice to see you. Please,” he gestured to the seat in front of his desk “have a seat and let’s get started, shall we?” I took the seat and we started with talking about my childhood, my parents. My school. “Any boyfriends? Friends?” He asked “No” I answered dubiously. He must be referring to Adam. He wanted to know my relationship with Adam.

I should never have trusted him. I fell for his sob story and thought that I should let my guard down. How absolutely stupid I was. We continued with the conversation finally approaching what the good ol’ Dr really wanted to hear.

“Tell me, Miss Jasmine. Have you experienced any hallucinations or delusions lately?” he asked, glancing up from his digital clipboard to gauge my reaction. “No, I haven’t had any of those.” I said honestly. He might see my visions as hallucinations or delusions. But they aren’t. They are every bit as real as him and me. I just have no way to prove it.

Poor Cat, she has no idea what happens next...
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