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As I walked into the house that afternoon, I couldn’t help but think of Adam. Why was he always such a bully? And why he hated me so much. I could see it in his eyes. He had some sort of bitterness towards me and I couldn’t quite place why that was. I was always nice to everybody so why was he so reluctant to be friendly?

Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t have called him lazy. Must have been a trigger to set him off, I should know better than to tick off the school’s bad boy. I heard he put someone in hospital once. I wonder if that rumour is true and why he felt the need to be violent? I refuse to let him intimidate me. He was nothing, but a big bully and I refuse to give into his tactics of pushing people away. This assignment meant too much. After what happened with my history assignment I just needed to improve my grades somewhere, not that that was my fault. The teacher did, however, say that I should have saved my work somewhere other than the internet. I should have had my work backed up. She gave me an average percentage. Which was not nearly good enough for me.

I needed to shine in English to make up for that average. Adam will not be the reason for my failing grade I refuse to let him come between me and my success. I asked the teacher if I could just do the assignment on my own, but she said that she needs to see that Adam can work in a team. So, this should have been just as important to him as it is to me.

Besides, I was thinking of using the resources we were given for this assignment to find out more about my other assignment. The English assignment is researching and writing an article without the use of the internet or books (obviously). We need to come up with ways to find out information about a certain topic and then right about it. We were given a few sources to contact to assist us in our assignment and case studies to give us clues. One of the resources was a phone number, the other was an address. I was hoping that I could find out if these sources knew anything about how to get in contact with a government official that I could get inside information from, without being locked up for treason. I still have no idea how I’m going to do all of this with Adam around and without getting him suspicious about what I was up to.

Since nobody believed me, I might as well carry out my mission myself. To find out if what I saw was true. I needed to find proof that my vision, was in fact a vision. And if it was, we were all in danger and I would have to find a way to stop all of it.

I wonder where Adam is, he should have been here by now. I wondered. Oh, crap! I forgot to give him my address. How will he know where to come to? Just then, the doorbell rang. I looked out the peephole and there was Adam. I opened the door and just stared into those light green-grey eyes. Adam doesn’t have a bad boy reputation for nothing. He was mysterious in the sense that nobody really knew who he was or where he lived. He never spoke about himself or socialised with anybody except his fellow idiot friend, Jake. And Adam was movie star handsome. He had natural silver blonde hair and eyes that seemed to change, from green to grey depending on how you looked at him.

Adam was a total catch if you could get past his obnoxious attitude and attraction to violence. He was dangerous. I didn’t trust him one bit. But in this case, I had no choice. Even that wouldn’t stop me from a getting a great grade.

“Come on in,” I said “How did you know where I lived? I’m sorry I only realised a few minutes ago that I hadn’t told you my address.” “Well, I asked around. Figured it out.” He said vaguely, which must mean he asked Jake. He was the only one Adam engaged with. “cool. We can start working at the table in the dining room, I’ll get the case studies and sources contacts and we can figure out our next step on which approach to use, in terms of questions for interviews and other methods to come by some information.” I started. “great.” Is all he had to say. Not much of a talker. I showed him to the dining area and went to my room to fetch the tablet with all the information on it.

When I returned, I found him pacing the room. Looking around at digital photo frames that changed randomly, with pictures of my parents and I at many stages of my childhood. We were allowed only a few hardcopy photos to keep. That was stored in a safe, locked up in my parent’s bedroom.

“Ready to start?” I asked him, he turned back to look at me and nodded as he sat down. “So, this is a research project?” he asked. Great, he didn’t even listen when the teacher explained the assignment. How am I going to work with this guy? “So, I take it you weren’t paying any attention, as usual.” I asked getting angry just thinking about how much time we were wasting already. I needed to get to the bottom of this vision, I feel like I’m running out of time with it. My English assignment was just as important, and this guy just didn’t care. “I paid attention, okay!” he said narrowing his eyes at me. “Nope, I’ve had just about enough of your blatant arrogance. I hate it just as much as you do, working together. I tried to get out of it, but Mrs Chapman wouldn’t budge on it. So, if you want to flunk this grade and do poorly that’s on you. But you are not taking me down with you, do you understand me?” I shouted at him spittle flying as I got up into his face, my face felt flushed and my head started to hurt. My stomach start clenching, and I got that funny feeling in the pit of it. Oh no, no, no… I can’t be- I started the thought but was interrupted by flashes of fire.

Fire everywhere. Explosions going off in a huge city where skyscrapers once stood, now there was just rubble and dust. The sky was dark, the only light that was provided was from oranges and reds of fire all around. People screaming and children crying. Family’s scooping up their children and fleeing, dirt on their faces. The whole world in turmoil as Aircrafts fly above dropping more bombs on buildings, houses, people. News broadcasts video footage of this kind of chaos all over the world. A flood of water, a sea? A tsunami washing away millions of people.

I can’t quite catch my breath as I lay heaving on the floor. Adam looks panic stricken as he holds his one hand on my back as I dry heave as if I’m about to throw up. Sweat dripping off my brow and I take a shaky hand to wipe the water from my eyes. “I’m okay” I whisper to him. “What was that?” he asked “did you get sick? Are you really okay? You don’t look okay. Should I get you a glass of water to drink?” he was speaking a mile a minute. “Yes Adam, I’m ok. A glass of water would be great thanks.” I spoke quietly, getting up off the floor and making my way toward the sofa as he went to the kitchen to get me some water.

He hands me the glass and I slowly take a sip, my hands still shaky. “So, what happened to you? What was that?” He asked as he took a seat across from me on the coffee table. Staring at me unconvinced that I really was as ok as I said I was. “I-it was nothing.” I said, unsure whether I should tell him or not. This vision was much worse than the first. I know who is behind it and I know that what I saw was phase 3 put into place. World War 3. I couldn’t let this happen. I can’t let that vision come true. Under any circumstances. What if I’m already too late and what I’ve seen was being put into place at this very moment?

Adam is the last person that should know what is happening in my life. I do not need this jerk running to authorities and reporting me. “I’m fine Adam. It was only a panic attack. I’ve had them before.” I lied. He didn’t seem to believe me but what other explanation could it be? Logically his first guess would not be that I just had a vision of the world ending.

“I’m actually feeling a bit better now. Could we start on the assignment please?” I asked. Ready to let this topic go and at least for the moment, forget about the vision. I needed to know for sure about my visions. I needed proof. I needed it fast.

The afternoon went by quickly and Adam wanted to leave before my parents got home. He said he’d see me at school and hoped I feel better. We had come up with a plan to go to the address the next day. The number we were given was out of service and we didn’t have many other options to go with. We compiled our list of questions we would ask. We had a lunch of sandwiches and energy drinks and finished off the last of our planning. By the time he left I felt a lot better, both about our assignment and about the vision.

Getting into bed that evening I could finally analyse what it was that I saw. Aircrafts dropping bombs on the community? The news broadcaster calling it terrorist attacks from rebels in other countries? All of it lies. I knew who it was. I know exactly what is going on. The President of the order is behind it all. And I need a way to prove it.

Hope everything is still intriguing to you... Let me know if you have questions or suggestions. Everything is appreciated.
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