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We were just at the fence of the castle now, guards were everywhere, carrying weapons of all sizes. We had power, but we couldn’t dodge bullets. This would be trickier to surpass. All we had to do was get passed the guards and into the dungeons. Gunner would be our distraction, keeping the president occupied as we infiltrate the prisoner base.

Adam found a breach in the fence, a hole that must’ve been made by animals in the forest. The three of us slipped through the hole and passed the guards unnoticed. Running across the side of the garden, we hid in the thick bushes around a corner from an entrance that we’d spotted. This would be our entry point.

Gunner gestured for us to follow him, we walked toward the open door still hidden by the thick greenery. Silently entering the castle, I couldn’t help but let out a gasp at the gloriousness of it all. The floors were marble and the chandeliers Chrystal, the furniture was rich wood and leather. Never had I seen such beauty.

My momentary stumble was not unnoticed unfortunately for us, one of the guards came to find me standing in the middle of the foyer, mouth agape like an idiot. The fear inside me swelled as this guard shouted for backup and ran to attack me, before I had time to think or move, the chandelier above us came crashing down on the guard’s head.

More guards came running from all angles, and every object in the room started flying towards them, maiming and injuring them in different ways. The castle started to shudder as I stood there, fear entrapping me to my spot in the foyer.

The plan has changed, I had become the distraction, meaning instead of heading downstairs, I was heading up. Toward the president himself. Adam wanted to protest trying to protect me by stepping forward to punch the guards running for me, but I narrowed my eyes at him and shouted for Gunner “Gunner! Take him!” Gunner grabbed Adams hand and pulled him away towards the dungeons to save the prisoners.

Guard after guard was flung against walls as I walked up the spiral staircase to where I thought the president might be. Confidence now replacing the fear that was once inside me, and the power within me amplified. I walked assertively towards the highest floor and came to the only door there. Pushing the door open with my mind I discovered a fear ridden president standing in front of an open window.

“Please,” he pleaded “I was only doing what I was told” he cried out hysterically as I stood silently, confused by his confession. “Who told you to do these things Mr President?” I asked “I’m sorry, but its’ best you don’t know. They’ll come for you too, just as they had come for me. I’m only a pawn in this game, just as you are Cattleya.” “You know who I am?” He gripped the window frame tightly, “Of course I know who you are, You’re the one they’re afraid of. You’re the one they are doing this for. Don’t you understand Cattleya? This would not have happened, had you not been as powerful as you are. They’re not trying to end the world. They’re trying to end you.”

I was stunned by this news “But why? Why me? What do I have to do with any of this?” “Cattleya, they have a Seer of their own. Your father. He’s told us everything. Where you were and what you’d seen. He’s had a vision of his own, about you. A vision where you destroyed it all. They needed to end you before you discovered their secret.” “And what secret is that?”

I stepped closer to him and he stepped closer to the ledge, “They’ve been taking all the money from the poverty stricken for themselves, lining their pockets to become richer. They also want to control the world. Take away everyone’s freedom. They knew that if you had discovered this, that you’d go after them.

You are their biggest threat because you have so much good in you. Your father Cattleya, don’t trust him. He is one of them. He sent you to that place for them to destroy you, if you hadn’t escaped, they would have killed you.”

“But I saw you torture my father, I saw it in my vision.” “I had to Cattleya, they wanted you to see it, they wanted you to come here. They knew you’d come. But I,” he sighed as tears poured down his face “I cannot do it anymore, I cannot play these games. Money and political power do not mean as much to me as it does to them. I cannot stand that the world looks the way it does because of me, because I had a part to play in it. The guilt of destroying so many innocent lives, it’s taken a hold of me in a way I cannot handle any longer.”

“Mr President, what is going to happen next? Please, I don’t think you should do this, come with me, you can make it right.”

“No, it’s too late for me, but it’s not too late for you. Don’t trust anybody. Stay hidden and end this. Or they’ll destroy more and more people to find you.” Before I could say anything else to him, he took a step back and let go of the frame, with wide eyes, in complete silence, he fell to his death.

I turned immediately and ran towards the dungeons, getting to the stairs I saw Gunner holding Alora and my father around their waist while Adam had Casey. Turns out, there were no other prisoners, only the three of them, the rest were killed.

My father looked worse in reality than he did in my vision and he barely had a breath left to spare. Gunner said there was a town on the island, the islanders were isolated from the world because they chose to be, but we would be welcomed, and they would help us at the hospital.

I told them nothing about what the president had told me before he committed suicide. All I said was by the time I opened the door, he had stepped out of the window. They bought this story and we headed to the local hospital to have the prisoners checked out.

The End [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now