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Casey and I had met everyday for training. I was getting better at controlling my power and she was becoming less snarky. I even caught her smiling at me on occasion. She showed me some of her tricks, moving objects with her mind and I was impressed every time.

“It’s not like physically lifting an object, gravity doesn’t apply here” she explained. “It’s about seeing every cell of the object and manipulating those cells to do your will.” I nodded at her, fascinated by her.

Sitting in the cafeteria, she went on about how she does it. Taking my hand as she does so. Cat approaches us with her tray in her hands and a frown on her face, I catch her gaze on Casey’s hand and immediately pull my hand away. Casey frowns at this and looks up to see Cat sitting down across from us.

“So, how’s the training coming along?” Cat asks the two of us, putting a fork full of lasagne in her mouth. I feel a little awkward with Casey sitting so close to me. What is wrong with me? I think to myself as I watch the two of them interact with each other. Its not as if Cat has shown any real interest in me, I tried to console my guilty conscience.

The way I felt about Cat, I hadn’t been able to admit to myself. In any case, I wasn’t sure Cat would ever feel anything for me other than friendship, she said it herself the first day we got here. We were just friends, I had nothing to worry about. Not that I thought Casey was interested, but she showed me much more interest than any other girl has.

Cat got up after she’s eaten, not saying much else to me and I watched her walk away. Dumping the rest of her food and putting the tray on the dirt pile. As soon as she left, Casey put her hand on the side of my face and pulled my face towards her. Nerves rattling around in my stomach in the form of butterflies as she looked me in my eyes, expectantly. I knew what she wanted from me, but this was neither the time, nor the place.

I smiled back at her “We should probably get back to training,” I suggested. Her face fell slightly but she nodded in agreement and got up from beside me. I took our trays and dumped the contents and we walked back to the gym.

My mind in utter confusion as to what to do, but as soon as we got into the gym, I realised there was nobody else in there. My nerves returning, I felt Casey’s hand brush mine as she walked passed me to the opposite end of the room, towards the gyms shower room. Turning around mid-way, she giggled and winked at me suggestively, gesturing for me to follow her.

I should have just turned around right then and went back to my room. But I was weak to her charms and followed her into the bathroom.

As I turned the corner, Casey grabbed the front of my suit and pulled me toward her as she stood against the wall. My face inches from hers as my body pressed her harder into the wall. Her breathing became rapid as her chest rose and fell. Tilting my head slightly as I leaned down toward her beautifully pink lips. She lifted her head allowing her lips to meet mine. Feeling the softness of her lips made me crave even more of her.

Lifting her up into my arms gently and kissing her like I was thirsty, and she was my only source of water we stayed there like that, drinking each other up till we tired and went our separate ways.

The next morning, I did everything I could to avoid Cat. I didn’t need to feel any guiltier than I already did. I couldn’t avoid her forever, unfortunately. A week has passed, and she caught up to me directly after dinner, as I was heading up to my room.

“Adam,” she ran up to me as if out of breath “I really need to exercise more.” Laughing to herself. I didn’t laugh with her, just carried on walking along side her, staring out in front of me. “Hey, are you okay? I haven’t seen you in a few days and I was concerned about where you’ve been.” I shrugged “Been busy.” I said not wanting to say more, for fear I’d say too much.

“You’ve been acting strangely ever since you’ve been hanging out with that Casey girl. Are you sure you should trust her? I don’t. I think you should steer clear of her.” Cat said, this started to piss me off. How dare she tell me who to hang out with and who not to. I didn’t want to come here in the first place and who does she think she is?

Turning around I pinned her to the wall, looking into her eyes, all I wanted was for her to pull me in and kiss me the way Casey did. I wanted her to want me the way I wanted her. I begged her with my eyes, pleaded for her. Running a hand through my hair, I contemplated telling her how I feel. She turned her face away, that pierced my heart more than anything. She had no feelings for me.

“I will be friends with who I like, and I don’t need you telling me how to live Cattleya.” I spat out angrily “But Adam, that’s not what I meant, I just don’t trust her is all, I mean, what does she want from you anyway?” I huffed stepping as far away from her as I could, “I can’t take your high and mighty attitude Cattleya. Maybe it’s you I need to stop being friends with. As for what she wants from me, a lot more than you ever will.” I stomped away and heard her shout behind me “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I didn’t turn around, I just kept walking. Fuming at her for putting me in this position in the first place. I liked her, but that didn’t mean I had to wait for her to eventually like me, if she ever will.

After our argument I decided not to speak to Cat for a while. I needed space. I needed to focus on someone who really did care about me. Like Casey. And I was starting to care a lot more about her.

The End [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now