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This place was amazing. A modern take on a bunker. The walls around us were creamy, glossy steel. It felt like we were on a space ship. There were elevators that went down deeper underground, rooms upon rooms and an enormous amount of people. Communities from all around found safety here.

Alora asked one of the other community members to give us a brief tour of the place and show us to our rooms. They knew we were coming. We didn’t even know we were coming. She said she would explain everything to us after we got some rest.

The place was huge, but we weren’t quite deep enough to miss the bombs raining down upon the surface above us. We had no idea where we were or how it was possible that we could even end up here, but I felt safe, even though I could read Adam’s expression that he felt extremely uncomfortable.

It was confirmed to me when we sat down at a table in the cafeteria. The food they had looked more enticing than our little raid we did a few hours earlier. This place was much warmer than we would have been sleeping in the store room of that store or even anywhere in an abandoned building, and we were much safer sleeping here, underground than we would have been above where the bombs could easily have destroyed us or trapped us amongst the rubble of one of the damaged structures. I was happy to be here, Adam was not.

“I don’t know how you could so easily trust these people,” he sighed running an agitated hand through his thick blonde hair, pulling at it slightly “you don’t know how they know your name or how they knew we’d come here. They could be working for the officials, they could have had surveillance on you and knew that this is where you were, and they could be headed here right now to capture us, lock us up or worse. This place is way too nice for it to be a rebellious faction of some kind, come on Cat, think. Where would any of these people have enough money to even build such a place?” He was rambling, which I noticed he did when he was nervous or uncomfortable. I crossed my arms on the table in front of me, finishing off my last bites of a delicious syrupy dessert and shook my head in absolute bliss “Adam, could you relax please? I think we’re safe here. I really don’t think that these people are working with the government. And they probably knew I was coming because maybe they have visions too, you know? I don’t know anything, but I do know this, any place with dessert as good as that, has an ok in my book.” I said smiling at him teasingly, this frustrated him even more.

“You are too naive Cattleya. Just… Be careful okay? Promise me you won’t tell them anything okay?” he whispered through gritted teeth, glancing around as if expecting someone to either be listening in on our conversation or watching us. Everybody else was oblivious to our existence but Adam was extremely paranoid.

“Okay fine,” I said resigning to him to calm him down before he said or did something stupid to get us kicked out of this place. “I won’t say anything to them until we know more about them. Happy?” he let out a long breath and nodded his head. His eyes still darting around as he scanned the room for surveillance cameras or listening devices.

After we ate we were shown to our rooms, Adam wanted one together, where we could keep an eye out for each other. They refused, “I’m sorry,” our tour guide said “it’s against the rules. Girls one side, boys on the other. There is to be no rooming with the opposite sex.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes “oh please, as if we even looked at each other like that. Uh, no thanks. Right Adam?” just as I said that I turned to look at Adam, his cheeks were flushed, and I caught a look in his eye that I couldn’t quite place. Before I could figure out what that look meant, he covered it up and shrugged as he looked away from me. “Which direction is the boys’ rooms?” he asked the tour guide as he cleared his throat. “I’ll show you.” He responded and the two of them left me in my room, dumbfounded by Adam’s strange behaviour. I closed the door after they left and walked around the room to explore.

The End [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now