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Nurse creepy came back the next evening. Sneaking into my room in the middle of the night she locked my wrists in chains and dragged me out by my hair, I protested and screamed, to no avail. The other patients around me in their rooms screamed just as loudly so the other night staff would just assume that I was another crazed patient.

She dragged me to a darkened room and strapped me into a chair and stuffed my mouth with a wet cloth wrapped over what felt like a rubber stress ball. Planting wires to my torso, chest and head. “Glad to finally have you alone,” she grinned her evil grin, her eyes sparkled as she leaned over a box of buttons and levers. “Know what this is?” she asked me… I shook my head and tried to scream. Tears streamed down my face from fear of what this crazed woman might do to me.

“This my dear, is electro-shock therapy. Banned long ago by governments everywhere, but I’ve found it useful to draw information out of people. Information that crazy’s like you are reluctant to share.” She cackled, and I found it ironic that she was calling me crazy. I struggled against my restraints and tried to kick, frantic as it dawned on me that she was about to shock me to death.

An electric charge went through my system before I knew what was happening, my whole body froze and felt like I was on fire. The room quickly smelt like burnt flesh as I bit on the wet ball unintentionally. “Tell me what I want to know little princess, or its going to be a long night.” The nurse laughed. And pulled at the lever again, sending more shockwaves through my frail body.

Crying and barely able to breathe or stay conscious any longer, I cried and screamed around the ball, now nearly dry in my mouth. The nurse kept asking me the same question over and over, “tell me what you saw in your visions”. I knew that if I told her what I had seen that it would be over for me.

It was nearly dawn and she knew she had to change shifts with the day staff. Unstrapping me from my restraints, she carried me along the corridor back to my room. She added tranquilizer medication to numb my pain for a few hours and left the room as if nothing happened.

I knew that telling anybody would be futile. I lied in my bed and cried till I passed out.

I slept throughout the day, not able to eat as I felt the after shocks of the electricity still flowing through me hours later.

The next evening, Nurse creepy was back. Once again dragging me along the corridor to my torture chamber. “The Dr is not satisfied with your reluctance to cooperate little princess. You better start talking, or this could be a lot worse for you.”

I didn’t answer her, as she pulled me by my long brown hair to a water bucket in the corner of the room. Pushing my whole head into the ice-cold water, I felt like my lungs were burning for air as I flailed my arms and kicked my legs in hopes to be saved. I wished I had rather died the night before from the shocks.

Pulling my head out of the water she spit into my face and shouted into my ear, “Talk you little brat!” and dunked my head into the icy water once again. Every ounce of my body hurt as tried to gasp for air, my face frozen stiff from the ice in the water, my lungs unforgiving. I think I was crying but I couldn’t feel the tears as my face had gone numb from the intense burning of the ice.

Another night of extreme torture. I still didn’t speak. I was once again dragged to my room and put to bed with tranquilizers in my system. Not able to move or eat. I lied there, starving and in shock.

The next evening, I was welcomed with whips as my clothes were stripped from my bony structure, my wrists chained to the wall as I faced it, my back arched with every slash as the leather sliced into my burning flesh. When Nurse creepy was done, she put my clothes back on and as soon as I was in the room, she wrapped my back in bandages and put more medication in my drip.

This went on, night in and night out. The longer I held out, the more pleasure she got from it. Her laughing haunted my dreams and when I awoke, she was in my room again. Two weeks went by and I hadn’t eaten anything in all that time. My body was weak and fragile as I screamed with every bit of torture I endured.

I had finally had enough. I had no way of proving that my visions were real or not. What was I protecting? I finally told the nurse what she wanted to know. I told her everything about my visions.

I was finally left alone, I had one night with no torture. I passed out from all the pain I had suffered through. The screams from the patients in rooms near mine still woke me. I woke up screaming myself and realised that this must be why they all scream.

I had finally gone as crazy as they said I was.

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