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It had started raining, and we were hiding in the building opposite the skyscraper. Running through the rain and crossing the street, we pushed through the doors and headed for the staircase. Running in our group, two of the stronger men out front, Allen and Lina followed by Cat and I and two of the others behind us. Racing to the top, we were exhausted but there was no time to think. There were already weapons being fired, someone had raced passed us in a blur. Speed power, I thought, I wonder which side that persons on.
The floor we were on was in the shape of a spiral, in the centre it was open, looking down into the bottom floors. There was a railing surrounding the edge of the hole for people not to fall over, ironically, this is exactly what happened as the fighting continued. People were being shot and flying over the railing.
There were several doors on the floor, but the one we wanted was obvious as it was the one which seemed to be protected by the mass of security that emerged from the room that hides behind it.
The eight of us scattered. Cat and I staying close together. Allen and Lina taking the left as we took the right, closest to the door we wanted to enter. Rebels rattling off codes in the coms as the fight continued in other parts of the building. Several men attacked us, one with a handgun and another had telekinesis, dodging these items being thrown at us, both Cat and I freezing bullets in mid-air and redirecting them to members of their own team.
Drawing nearer and nearer to the door, as we were about to enter, a tiny girl, around 10 years old she seemed, suddenly appeared in front of us. She was small in stature, but her eyes radiated confidence. We had no idea what she could do, when precipitously, she screamed. Her voice was like a thousand nails on a chalkboard, piercing our ears.
Cat and I instinctively crouched to the ground holding our ears closed and trying to concentrate beyond the girls sharp screams. Our fingers plugged in our ears did nothing to keep out the deafening and penetrating sound.
With all the concentration and technique, I could muster, I summoned my power which hummed softly beneath the surface of my brain. With force I pushed the power beyond my mind into the physical world and everything went deadly silent in an instant.
Using this advantage, Cat moved the girl out of the way and we entered the room with no further obstacles. The room inside was frozen too. The United Nations members sat at the oval table in the centre of the room. Frightened looks on their faces as they anticipated the inevitable invasion. Cat and I both stood at the foot of the table staring at their frozen faces.
For some reason, I noticed, no matter who I freeze for whatever reason. I never seem to be able to freeze Cat. This was strange to me. But there was no time to analyse the reasons for that. Cat lifted the heavy tables surrounding the edges of the room and bolted the doors with them, for us not to be disturbed when everybody outside becomes unfrozen.
Sending my force out again, this time a little gentler than before, I unfroze the people in the room. There were no guards or kids with power inside the room any longer. It was just the members, coming to and realising that it was too late for them.
"Im sure you all know who we both are." Cat spoke first, smiling slightly at their frightened expressions. "H-how, d-did you-" one of the men stammered, looking from us to the bolted doors and back. "Well, thats not important now. What is important is that you confess to everything that you have been up to for the passed few years." They looked amongst each other and the man who had spoken first, seemed to be the leader, shook his head. Clearly deciding that he would confess to nothing.
Cat slowly rounded the table, "This can be easy for you, or we could make this hard." She spoke casually. Smiling sweetly and reaching the leader at the same time. "Lets start with something simple, shall we?" she said, standing behind the man and putting her hands on his shoulders. "What are you going to do little girl? You might have powers of visions and maybe moving objects around, but this room has no weapons you could use against me. You have no leverage. I will tell you nothing." Gaining his confidence with every word "You will leave this instant."
Motioning to stand up from his seat, a loud crack echoed throughout the room and the mans’ blood curdling scream followed. Falling back down on the seat. "Youre right, old man." Cat sneered sarcastically, "I have powers to see the future, as I have seen how youd orchestrated and implemented the plans of destruction on our world. On everybody that I love. Id seen the torture of my father and had experienced my own torture. You killed my mother!" Cat was losing it, it seemed. She was much angrier than I could have guessed prior to this meeting.
"And yes," she continued, "I also have the power of telekinesis. The ability to manipulate cells in an object to do my bidding. As I have done to your kneecap. Your body consists of cells, old man." Cat whispered loudly in his ear. "I can, for example, tell your heart to stop beating, and it would. I could tell your brain to turn to mush and it would. So," she stood up straight and clapped her hands, once again cheery. Her emotions seemed volatile. "Whos going to go first, hmm?" she asked the room, looking around at the others and smiling wildly.
One by one, each member confessed their part in the plan. Confessing finally to planning to control the world and trying to create an army with the children to destroy the rebels. They hadnt anticipated that the rebels would attack so soon. Therefore, they tried to get rid of Cat.
"You were the changing point. After you started having visions, the future had changed. You were the reason the rebels would destroy us. We just didnt know how that could be. We just knew we had to get rid of you. But the Dr at the mental facility couldnt hold you. Our plans to kidnap you at the castle failed dismally as Casey, our spy was supposed to grab you as soon as youd supposedly rescued her. But you had come into your telekinesis powers and was more powerful than her, so she would not have been able to capture you. We changed the plan and had her go with you to find the hideout of the rebel camp, only she had recognised one of the members that knew she was a spy because he had seen her having lunch with her mother one day and heard her calling her mother." The old man finished.
Cat was so happy that she had gotten them each to confess, she was smiling at me as I stood there and watched her work. "I dont understand something, " the old man looked at Cat curiously, how does confessing all of this to you, help you? You couldnt prove this to the world. They would never believe it. You are nobody to them. They wouldnt believe you." Cat just smiled at the man.
"Well," I said, speaking for the first time since we entered the room. They seemed to have forgotten that I was there and was surprised as they all turned to me, "thats true. It would have costed us way too much to get equipment here and we didnt think youd give up the information so easily, knowing youd be recorded. So, we had someone hack into your computers." The old man still looked confused.
"If everybody could please turn to the screen behind you." I gestured to the extra-large screen mounted to the wall directly across from me. Everybody turned toward it and suddenly we were all reflected on the screen. Then the scene changed, and a news anchor sat in her chair behind her desk astonished for a moment at the confessions that was broadcasted live to the world.
Not long after the reveal, policemen were slamming on the doors outside. Cat moved the tables away and let them in. They handcuffed the members and dragged them out of the room. Were still live, Cat said, motioning to the camera above the screen and wiggling her eyebrows at me. I laughed lightly at her and cleared my throat.
"People of the world, my name is Adam. You might not know me, but my friends and I belong to an organisation that have been trying to stop people from taking away our rights as human beings and destroying everything and everyone we love. Together, we can turn our world around. Together, we can bring peace to our world once again, without the manipulation of people out for power.
I am not looking for power. All I want, is peace. Stand with me, and I can grant that to you."

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