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This place seemed too good to be true and I didn’t trust it. Warm showers, clean clothes? I wasn’t used to all this. Something didn’t seem quite right and I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. Maybe I was just being paranoid.

I hated being separated from Cat for the night, I thought I’d see her later that evening, but she must have fallen asleep. I wandered around the facility trying to find anything that would give me a clue as to what was going on, but I found nothing.

After my shower, I’d put on the uniform that was hanging in the closet and went exploring, trying to find Cat and instead finding a room with young people around my age, some were sitting in groups, I suppose they were friends. Others were sitting alone, one girl in particular. She sat at the coffee table in the middle of the room, oblivious to the people around her.

What she was doing was fascinating. She was using her finger to twirl the vase and fake flowers in mid-air. “Wow!” I whispered, not realising she had heard me, she looked up from what she was doing and stared directly into my eyes. Frowning she let the items float gently back to the table, placing the flowers neatly in their vase once again. “Can I help you?” she asked, still frowning at me. “Uhm, no.” I said nervously. “I’m sorry I distract- interrupted you.” I said stuttering slightly at my poor use of words. “You didn’t.” she said and with that she turned and walked out.

I hadn’t met anyone beside Cat or myself that had a supernatural power and I was only now realising that Cat might have been right. I didn’t believe her when she suggested that the people here might have people that have visions too. I thought that it was just her and I that had these special abilities. I was surprised that I had the ability I did. So, to suggest that someone else, a complete stranger would have a special ability was just too strange a concept for me. I called Cat naive, but in fact, I was the naive one. Of course, there would be more of us. And with different types of abilities too.

It took me by surprise, but it had me wondering, how many people in my midst had abilities? And what were they? The other people in the room didn’t seem affected at all that a girl had just moved around a few items with her mind right in front of them. What did that say about them? Was it a common occurrence around here? Were there people with even more impressive abilities? How would one rate these abilities on the scale of least impressive to most?

My mind was swirling with all types of questions as I got entirely excited about finding out who had powers and what they could be.

Before I could really let myself get excited, a frightening realisation came to mind. What did these people want with a group full of supernatural humans? And how did Cat and I play a part in it all?

I walked back to my room, beat from all the discoveries I had made. Deciding I should speak to Cat in the morning to try and figure out what our next move is going to be and how we would get the answers we needed.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, I guess the week was just too long, from having saved Cat from government officials wanting to do who knows what to her, running from bomb explosions and ending up in this strange place. I needed well deserved rest.

The next morning, I found Cat in Alora’s office, she didn’t look like she got much sleep, which was strange, since I hadn’t seen her since she went to her room. She smiled at me as I walked in, but I could see she knew a lot more than I did, this made me wonder what time she woke up this morning?

Alora proceeded to fill me in on her and Cat’s conversation at the early hours of the morning. This all made a lot more sense to me, although I wasn’t completely convinced that I could trust anybody here.

“Adam, what I didn’t tell Leya this morning was, that it is you that will end this whole charade. Leya is just as important of course, but you are the one that will bring our world the victory it so desperately needs.” Alora said confidently. I stared at her in disbelief “Me? What could I possibly do to bring victory to this world? I mean, I can’t even stand up to my own step father, how will I be the one to stop the president of the world?”

She smiled “Believe me Adam, when the time comes, you’ll know exactly what to do”. She refused to talk to us anymore about the subject saying that the future is a fragile thing that could be changed at any moment if tampered with. Instead, she introduced us to other members who had similar powers to ours, that would assist us in training and gaining control of our abilities.

There was no other person here that could freeze time, so Alora asked somebody who could use their mind to manipulate the cells around them to move whatever it is they wanted. My ability was similar. I apparently used my mind to manipulate the cells around me and force it to slow down or stop completely. The person that Alora asked, was the girl from the room that I now knew was the leisure room for youth.

Casey. That is the girls name, who refuses to speak to me other than give me instructions on focusing on each cell of each object around me. I have no idea how I did it the first two times, but it didn’t give me as much of a headache as it did now. Back then, I didn’t even have to think about it, but now it took so much concentration. How did I make a whole room stop, when I couldn’t even prevent a glass from falling?

“Again!” Casey barked at me as she knocked over yet another glass, the glass shattered on the floor and I was unable to stop it. I was frustrated and moody and tired. I wanted to see Cat, my only friend in this place. I wanted sleep. And I wanted to get away from Casey, who was extremely bossy. “Can we stop please? I desperately need a break.” I whined to Casey, who rolled her eyes and said “Fine, we’ll carry on tomorrow.” She flicked her pitch-black hair over her shoulder and narrowed her blue eyes at me before leaving me in the gym to my own devices.

Relieved that I was finally rid of my warden, I lied down on the rugged mat and stared at the ceiling as I attempted to slow down my heart rate and ease my headache. I closed my eyes for a brief second and suddenly, everything around me fell silent. When I opened them, I discovered everything had frozen in place. The people who were once gyming around me, had frozen in their positions.

“Now how do I do that again, when Casey gets back?” I asked myself silently. Frustrated with myself I got up and went to my room.

The End [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now