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"We did it." Cat said gleefully, holding my hand as we exited the building. It was no longer raining, and the sun hadnt shone brighter than at that moment. I was so happy, we had defeated the people who had ruined everything we loved.
We had found out not long after the arrests were made, and statements were taken, that our home town was definitively destroyed by the bombs and fire that had rained down upon our people. Many people died, including my parents. We had no idea where Cats dad was hiding out, but we hoped he was doing good. Cat and I decided we would live on the island from now on, where the weather was great.


A few weeks went by and I was appointed President. Cat was my main security and in charge of training all the children who had powers like us. She hired people with powers and had started a school of sorts, to train the children to gain control of their powers. The children were released back to their parents, and those who had parents who died in the bombings, were able to be adopted by a couple who deserved them.
"Ready to go?" Cat came into the office I was working in. We had taken over the skyscraper that the UN had been using and it became our HQ. I was just finishing up some paperwork on a new project to implement a device that could possibly reverse the effects that the previous government had caused regarding the terrible weather. It was based on the model of the devices put in place on the island. "Just about." I replied, shutting my monitor.
In the last few weeks I had given permission to allow paper to be manufactured once again, it would be used in moderation. Especially for backup systems, so all our information would not be lost again. We were heading on the right track as far as clean up went. We had many people, in cities that werent as devastated as some, volunteer their services to clean up. Materials were donated from many different countries and independent companies.
Cat and I boarded our flight back to the island. We worked in the city, but we lived on the island. I was excited for this evening and I could tell, she was too. As we left the air pad together, she agreed to meet me in one hour.

An hour later, there was a knock on my door. Nerves fluttering within me, I flattened out my red summer dress as I slowly walked to open it. I smiled at the sight before me. Adam was standing with one hand in his suit pants pocket, and another hand full of roses. His face was a little flushed and he smiled back at me. "Are you ready for your first date?" he asked me. "Have her back by twelve young man!" My dad called from the kitchen.
After watching the news, the day of the take-down, my dad had gotten into contact with me a few days ago. Apologising profusely and asking for forgiveness and a second chance. I only had one parent left and I couldnt bring myself to say no. I had much more confidence in myself now. I had a lot more friends too. Alora lived next door, her and Gunner had gotten married soon after Adam was announced president.
Adam and I had both graduated from high school here on the island, so our respective jobs would not get in the way of our studies. As for Casey, she was arrested with her mother, they were both boarding a plane. Planning on hiding out in Africa.
Adam laughed at my dads joke and we headed out arm in arm. He handed me the roses and planted a light kiss on my cheek. I blushed. "You look so beautiful Cattleya." He had changed so much from the guy I knew in high school.
He used to be mysterious and tough, mostly volatile. Now, he was gentle and loving. He lived with his brother and they had great times. We loved each other but we werent ready to be living together yet. We still had to get to know each other better.
"I never would have imagined that youd ever consider dating me Cat. I was caught off guard when you kissed me that day." Adam said, as we stood on the beach after dinner, staring at the night sky and enjoying the calm. There were no clouds or wild winds threatening to ruin our moment.
"I cared about you from the moment you saved me from the mental institution Adam, I just couldnt admit it to myself." I said, "I had never been in love before, I didnt know what it felt like. I had just discovered my parents were possibly plotting behind my back and I had no idea why or if it were true. I didnt know who I could trust. When I saw you with Casey at the shelter, I decided to distance myself from you. For fear that I would get hurt and for fear of hurting you too. I realised after a while, your friendship just meant too much to me." I sighed. Placing my palm on his cheek and looking into his eyes, "the thing is, when we were standing outside that building. I didnt know if we would make it out alive and I didnt want anything to happen to you. I couldnt stand it if anything had to happen to you. I couldnt put into words how much Ive fallen in love with you throughout the past year. I couldnt let you walk into that building, not knowing how I feel. I care about you Adam. I love you."
Tears filled his eyes as he bent down, brushing his lips ever so gently against mine. My heart fluttered out of control as I put my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me. He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around my waist and I remembered the feeling I had the day he pushed me against the lockers on the first day we had interacted with each other.
I had loved him then, and I love him still. I probably always will.

The End

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