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We had planned that the strike would happen that evening, hopefully before anybody at the UN were warned about our arrival. Our informants would let us know if this happened. We had found out a lot coming here, Allen and I decided there was a lot of catching up to do so we went to sit in one of the leisure rooms with a plate of delicious steak and salad.
"The weather is strange here," I observed, while chewing on my steak and taking a sip of my bottled water. "its normal. There are no weird storms and it isnt unpredictable." "Yeah, this island is kind of special. There were locals here with genuine Psychic powers. Passed down from generation to generation. It was predicted that the government would interfere with weather patterns. Something went wrong, and it affected the weather all around the world." Allen explained. "You see, the weather was already on the verge of becoming this way, due to pollution and non-recycling, harsh chemicals that were released into the atmosphere. It was bound to happen, the government knew this and somehow wanted to find a way to control the weather, they had created a device that was said to do this. Unfortunately, things didnt go as planned. Almost overnight, the weather had turned into the most dangerous thing out there. Initially, it had killed millions of people that were caught in just the rain alone, due to the rain pounding down upon them with such force.
The people who had predicted what would happen, had then had a device of their own made. One that would counter act the effects of the governments device. The devices made were planted at strategic places on the island that serves like a signal blocker. Eventually the atmosphere will still end up like the rest of the world, but we still have the time that the government had ultimately stolen. "
"Amazing," I observed, "So does anybody know why there are some people have powers and others dont? " I asked, guessing that the reason must be due to the weather. "Well, there were some scientists that did testing, it was said that only people of a certain age. Usually the younger generation. The younger they are, the more powerful they would be, because they would have been born in this atmosphere which has been known to cause evolution in animals and has naturally caused the evolving of humans. " Allen explained. "How do you know so much?" I asked him flabbergasted at his knowledge. Allen laughed "I continued schooling here on the island, it is part of our history lessons. They prefer to teach more about current events for preparation."
Cat came in to call us, wed been speaking for hours and I hadnt even realised how fast the time went. It was time to go. I hadnt had much time to focus on Casey since finding out about her spying on us for the government and it hit me now while I geared up, that there is a great possibility that I would run into her on this mission.
I dont know if I was ready for that. I dont know if I was ready to admit that I had been duped. That she had taken advantage of me and I had been blind to the manipulation. How stupid could I have been? Was I so desperate for someone to love me that I had fooled myself into thinking anybody could? Cat didnt want me, Casey was just using me. By the time I had finished and was ready to head out, I had worked myself up into a frenzy. I was filled with rage and passion for the mission. All my energy went into stopping this force who had now made it personal.
The government could try to control the weather, they could try to manipulate the future, they could manipulate every person on this planet, but I refuse to allow them to mess with my heart any longer.
We surrounded the skyscraper which held the UN members. Security was tighter than anywhere else Id ever been. We each had a com in our ears and the plan would be that teams A and B would go in first, eliminate security at the front entrance and take control of the main surveillance rooms. Teams C and D would then sneak in and take down follow up floors to clear a path way for eight of us consisting of Lina, Cat, Allen and I.
We were told that the top floor held security around our ages, which meant they had supernatural powers of some sort. So far, Ive only encountered people with mind manipulation powers; Reading minds, Telekinesis, Psychic. But Ive been told that other powers exist too, Speed, Strength and such. How we would defeat these I have no idea.
Awaiting our orders patiently Cat takes my hand and leads me away from the main group. She motions for us to take out our coms, which means she wants to say something privately. Taking my com out, she smiles "Adam, I know this isnt the best time, but anything can happen in there and I dont want us going in without you knowing." Shes fidgeting with her sleeve, she does this when shes nervous Ive noticed, putting a strand of her dark hair behind her ear and swallowing hard she says so softly, "Adam, Im sorry it didnt work out between you and Casey. But I dont want you to feel like nobody cares about you." I turned away from her, not wanting her pity and my rage flaring up once again at my own stupidity. Everybody in my life leaves or hurts me, or both.
"Look, Cat. Keep your pity ok? I really dont want to have this conversation with you right now. Its the worst possible moment to be telling me you feel sorry for me." Turning to walk away, she grabs my hand "no, no, no Adam please? You misunderstood what Im trying to say here." She looked like she was fumbling around for a second, frowning and looking at her feet. She was still holding my hand and then, before I knew what was happening. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me.
Her full lips were so soft against mine, I was momentarily stunned and quickly gathered myself before this moment ended. I put my free arm around her waist and pulled her closer, slowly parting her lips with mine. My stomach fluttered, and I felt like I was floating. I had never felt this way when kissing Casey, this was not the time to be thinking about Casey. I didnt want it to end but we both jumped apart when we heard someone clearing their throat a few metres from us. We looked up to see Allen standing and visibly sorry he broke up the moment, "Guys Im sorry to interrupt, but its time."
Smiling at each other shyly we put our coms in and went back to the group. From what we could hear on the coms, it was chaos. But a path had been cleared for us and it was now or never. We would never get an opportunity like this again.

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