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My father was admitted immediately, and they had to do several surgeries and skin grafts to repair his wounds and organs. I still hadn’t spoken to him and wasn’t sure whether I wanted to. He had betrayed me, and it was confirmed by the president just before his death.

The people responsible for this chaos was still not revealed to me, and I had no idea whether they would show up on the island or not. I know that they would continue to torture the people that I love and the rest of the world to get to me. I had to stop them before any of that happens, but I need to find out who it is first.

My powers had finally come in, and while I was on the island I had been practicing getting them under control. With the help of Casey. Who was nicer than I thought. Her and Adam seemed very happy together and I suspected there was more than just friendship between Gunner and Alora. She was slightly older than him, but he didn’t seem to care about age. I could see it when he looked at her, he loved her.

Alora and Casey were cleared by the Dr for release not long after they were admitted. Their injuries were minor, and they were all too happy to be able to leave. We had decided to stay on the island for a while. This place had no erratic weather that was reported. It was as if it was protected by an invisible force from the outside world. No wonder the president chose this place to live.

I came back to the hospital daily to check on my father. He had been in a coma since we rescued him and therefore hasn’t been able to give me the answers I so rightly deserved. I had no idea where my mother was, if she was still alive or if she was in on this whole conspiracy from the beginning.

I still had no idea who was after me and I would wait to see if my father survived to tell me. Then I would create a plan to go after them and stop them once and for all.

I stood outside the hospital room my father was lying in and stared through the window. Adam came to stand beside me with his hands in his pockets. “So, are you going to tell me what really happened with the president?” Alarmed at his question I stared at him wide eyed,

“Oh, come on Cat, I could say that we know each other long enough to know that there is more to that story. You’ve been too quiet for the past few days, staring at your father as if you wish he were dead.

And I see a determined look in your face, something I had seen a few times. Like when you were determined to stop the world from ending after you had your vision, and when you discovered your dad was in danger. What is the new thing you are going after now?” he raised his eyebrow at me pointedly. Rolling my eyes “I don’t know what you’re talking about Adam.” I lied to him

“And where is Casey any way, shouldn’t the two of you be off swallowing each other’s tongues somewhere?” I said, annoyed at him for ditching me the past few days, I glanced at him sideways and could see the hurt look in his eyes. “I – I’m sorry” I said immediately regretting being so catty towards him when he had been nothing but supportive of me.

“She makes me happy Cat, I’ve never had that before, you know?” Adam said sincerely. Guilt embedding itself within me, all I could do was nod. “So, are you going to tell me?” he persisted. I sighed and shrugged. I didn’t feel like talking about this now.

He walked away without another word.

The End [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now