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"Adam, we need to talk, "Cat turned to me as we were heading to our rooms that we were assigned. We were given one room since all the other rooms were full. I didnt feel like being alone anyway.
I followed Cat into our quarters and as soon as the door was closed she swung around to face me. "Its about Casey, " I suddenly realised that I Allen hadnt told me what I'd wanted to know about Casey. I dont understand how they know shes a spy. Nor how he knew her in the first place.
"Look Cat, I'll ask Allen in the morning. I'm sure theres some sort of mistake and that could all be cleared up and we could go find her. " I shrugged it off, " refusing to believe that Casey could have been lying to me this whole time.
"Shes Cassandras daughter!" Cat blurted. I looked at her astonished at the revelation. As I stood there, the news soaking in and my rage rising once again. The hurt of the betrayal was crippling. I sank down on the bed, my reflection, in the nearby mirror, looking pale and defeated.
How much more can I take, of the physical and emotional pain that I constantly must endure? I couldnt speak for a long moment.
Cat just sat across from me on the single bed next to mine. She held my hands and tried soft comforting words, but I had stopped listening a while back.


I dont know when wed drifted off to sleep, but we were still holding hands when we woke up the next morning. My face felt crusty, I mustve been crying in my sleep. My body felt weak and I mumbled to Cat that Id go and take a shower first.
I needed to think, and I didnt need any questions about whether I was doing fine. My heart is broken. I had started falling for Casey and she used me. All I wanted to focus on was work. Stopping the UN and starting a new life. Hopefully without girls.
We walked into the war room and discussed the final plans for the infiltration. We had come to an agreement that the sooner we go in the better advantage we had. We needed the element of surprise. Which, in this generation is difficult to implement.
The plan wasnt complicated. There were already hidden members in place at the UN headquarters. Theyd sent intel that there would be an exclusive meeting held with all the members of UN present. This was our opportunity. We would have all the members in one place, to take out.
Cat didnt want to have them taken out, despite all the protests from the members of the rebellion. An argument ensued "Theyre dangerous Cattleya," one of the members raised up out of the chair and slammed the table heatedly.
"Im just saying that its best if we dont eliminate them. We can entrap them, get them to confess on tape and then distribute it for the world to see. Theyd be ruined without having to resort to unnecessary violence." Reluctantly everyone agreed on the condition that if Cats plan didnt work, we would go to phase 2, which meant the elimination of every single one of them.

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