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The people all around us had frozen. All except Cat and I. I still had her hand in mine and all I wanted was to get us as far away from this place as I possibly could. I had no idea where we were headed or how we’d get there but I needed us safe, I needed her safe.

We reached the door and just as we were about to go through it we heard a voice from the end of the hall. The only other person besides us, not frozen in place. “we will find you.” He called. Cat looked scared as all hell and we were almost there. I didn’t let us slow down. Not even for a second, because I wasn’t sure how long time would be frozen for. I was also not sure if it was only frozen in the area we were in or is the outside frozen too. All I knew was that we had to make use of the frozen time we had to get away.

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, pulling Cattleya behind me. I could see she was struggling to keep up, but I couldn’t allow us to slow down. We needed a faster way to move, without getting caught.

As we reached the outside we had noticed that it was just inside that was frozen. A transport van on the corner was just about to drive off so that’s where I turned. We needed to catch that van. Cat’s heavy breathing had made me aware of how her hand was starting to slip out of mine due to perspiration. “Don’t let go Cat,” I called back to her “just a little further.”

We were nearing the van when I heard a commotion behind us. In the distance another bomb went off and right behind us were several officials, chasing us down the street. The van was pulling off and we were a mere inch away, I sprang up and grabbed the pole on the van that people use to hold on as they climb up, but as I did this, Cat’s hand slipped out of mine. I was in the van, she was not.

“Cat Run!” I called to her, panic flowing through me, as I watched the officials gaining on her and the van speeding up. She struggled to keep up to the van and I reached my hand out as far as I could to grab a hold of her.

The official was now right behind her, “Jump, Cat!” I shouted. She did as I said and as she jumped she caught my hand and I pulled her up into the van with me all in one motion. She fell into my arms and I held her there as I watched the officials disappearing behind us speeding away on the transport van.

I'm rewriting the end so will update again in a few days, hope you are still enjoying the book.

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