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A few weeks had passed and not another word was heard about terrorism. The bombings had ceased and there was to be a new president elected. The news of the presidents’ suicide spread throughout the country and it was told that the terrorists were captured and that the president was working with the terrorists therefore he had committed suicide. Promises were made about restoring the towns and cities that were hit hardest by the bombs and weather.

Families were destroyed and had died because the government was trying to protect its own selfish interests. I cannot help feeling guilty that this is all my fault, all those people had died because of me. Because all the government wanted was me dead.

My father had woken two days ago and still hadn’t spoken since. The Drs said there was severe damage to his vocal cords and he was still bandaged all over.

This island was so isolated from the world, that they’d still use books to read and paper to write on, all the local residents could write, and it was such a strange sight to see actual libraries. Adam and I had explored the libraries several times and still found it fascinating. It wasn’t something that had interested Casey very much.

She would get jealous every time Adam and I would hang out together, and I would get jealous every time I saw him with her. But Adam couldn’t be interested in me in that way. Casey was his, and I was just a friend.

I passed the time by doing as much research as I could on the history of politics as the internet was once again up and running. The library was also very useful in researching old law. I needed to know what I was up against with these people and how I’d be able to stop them.

All was quiet in the world, and I didn’t trust it. The government was still trusted by all the members of the world, except me and my team. Alora and I worked on my powers daily, with the help of Casey. Gunner was training me and Adam in physical combat.

I had decided to let my team in on what the president had said after many nights poring over notes and plans of attack and coming up blank. Alora had continuously asked me what I was doing and eventually I gave in. “I need to stop them Alora, before they hurt anybody else.” I finished after I had told her word for word what the president said before he died.

“Well first things first then my dear,” she said “we need to interrogate your father. He will be our primary source of information.” We filled in the rest of the team over the next few days and everyone was on board to trying to stop these people.

When I went to see my father again after weeks of training and research I found the room he was in empty, “Excuse me,” I asked a nurse that was passing by “My father was in this room, has he been moved?” “Oh, no dear,” she said, “your father was discharged a few days ago, he’s left you something I think, let me just see…” She went behind the desk and pulled out an envelope. I stared in disbelief. Thanked the nurse and left the hospital. I decided the library would be a good place to go to be alone and read the letter.

Dearest Cattleya

I have asked a nurse to help me write this letter to you, I do not trust typing it on a tablet, they could be keeping tabs on it. I need to explain to you why I did what I did. I need to tell you what has happened.

I’ve been working for the government for many years, as an agent. I am not a carpenter that was just my cover. I’ve been spying for the government for years, and my loyalty was always to them above others. Not long after you received your first vision, I was approached by some of the highest officials. They wanted me to spy on you.

At first, I didn’t want to, and I refused, but then you had another vision. This one more threatening than the first. I didn’t have a choice, I reported the second vision and that’s when they came for you. They wanted to know details and I didn’t have it. They made me tell them and I still refused. That’s when they took your mother.

They threatened to kill her if I didn’t do everything they asked of me, unfortunately I had a vision of my own. You see, I had been having visions for a very long time before you, and nobody had known about it until they discovered that having visions was hereditary.

They tortured your mother until I told them my vision. I had a vision of you Cattleya. You, ending them for good. You took them out and there was peace in the world. They didn’t like this at all and they forced me to work with them to bring you in. They killed your mother, Cat. She was the love of my life and the only person who understood me for who I truly was. I doubled down and refused to help them, that’s when they started torturing me.

They did it to get to you, they said that you would come for me and they would have you right where they want you, when they did. I knew they were right.

I am so sorry Cattleya. I am so sorry I betrayed you. I tried to protect my family, but I didn’t do a very good job of it at all. That is why I am leaving. I am going back to the mainland and I’m going to stay out of sight. I hope you finish this Cattleya, I hate that this falls on you, but you have much more power than you think. I know you can do it and I hope that the information I’m about to give you will help you.

Phase one was having all the information in one place in order to take it away, to have more control. Phase two was taking away all the information and creating panic. Phase three was the release of bombs and the destruction of cities everywhere and finally, Phase four. It is coming in as saviours to the people, restoring cities that were destroyed and forcing people to trust that the government has things under control and eventually causing them to fully submit to the government’s controls. They will most likely change laws to include every decision made must be government approved. All jobs will be to benefit them.

They saw the unpredictable and damaging weather as a great thing, an opportunity to use that fear against the people and gain power for themselves.

The people you are looking for are the people that make up the United Nations. They are powerful, and they are untouchable. They will be extremely difficult to get to, so you need to be prepared for anything.

There are some people that might be able to help you, I saw them in my vision with you. It’s a rebellion group larger than the one you were in. Right here on this island, find them. I hope this is enough for you.

Good luck


At least now I know who our target is. Tears fall for my mother, thinking back to all the times she was there for me. Every skinned knee and wiping away every tear. We’ll have to get ready for the fight of our lives. It isn’t going to be easy, but I will fight, for my mother and for the rest of the world. This will not be the end.

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