Chapter Seven - Rescued.

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I opened my eyes to the glaring whiteness of the hospital room. I could here monitors beeping...and somebody breathing. My eyes adjusted slowly to see Sherlock asleep in a hard backed hospital chair.

I tried to sit up and hissed in pain. Sherlock's eyes popped open.

"Keyland are you okay?" he gasped sitting up quickly.

"Yeah..." I said tiredly, laying back down.

Sherlock grabbed my hand. Warmth spread through my body.

"What do you remember?" he asked softly.

"It's all a blur." I said.

"Well you did lose 40% of your blood. Its a miracle you survived. I was so worried!"

Sherlock's eyes drifted down to my lips. I watched with wide eyes as he leaned toward me. The door to my hospital room opened with a creak, Sherlock stopped and leaned back as Mycroft entered the room. Mycroft's eyebrows were so far up his face they had almost entered orbit.

"Er, I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." Mycroft said awkwardly.

"You're not." Sherlock and I spoke simultaneously.

"Ah. Good..." "Andrea sends her regards. Unfortunately she is in Barbados right now." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Vacation?" I asked.

"Heavens no. There is unrest she was sent to quell." Mycroft laughs.

"Oh." I say.

"Mycroft might I have a word with you?" Sherlock asks tensely.

"Of course brother mine." Said Mycroft a worried look on his face.

"I'll be right back Keyland." Sherlock said turning to me, then leaving the room.

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