Chapter Five - It all goes wrong.

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I woke up to a fuzzy vision, a raging headache, and a stabbing pain in my neck. I tried to get up only to realize I was bound to a metal table.

I groaned.

"Keyland?" Sherlock said hysterically through the earpiece. 

I groaned again.

"Keyland, hang tight I'm almost there!" He shouted.

I heard footsteps.

"Hello Arabella. Did you have a good rest?" Tobias said evilly. 

"Tobias??" I said dazed. 

"Yes It's me." He said clearly.

"Where am I?" I ask, disoriented. 

"Don't worry, you won't be here long. Soon you will join the other girls... in the forest." He said softly.

"What other girls?" I ask desperately.

"The other... blood donors." He said tactfully.

My head was hurting and I was trying to puzzle out what was happening.

"Keep him talking Keyland I'm almost there." Sherlock said.

Tobias came over to the side of the table. I tried to use my father's ring to cut myself free from my bindings...but I was too weak.

"Why does my neck hurt?" I ask.

"Because Arabella dear, I'm draining you of your blood." He said fiddling with the taps to drain me faster.

"Who is Arabella?" I say all sense flying out the window.

"That was the name you gave me. What is your real name?" Said Tobias, alarmed.

"Keyland Jones." I say weakly.

"Keyland Jones! Oh bugger!" Said Tobias leaving the room. I heard him talking from the other room.

"I swear I didn't know it was her Sir!...The old Warehouse...Okay bye." I caught the urgency in his voice, whoever he made mad must be very powerful. 

Tobias re entered the room.

"Sorry about this miss." He said covering my nose and mouth again. I blacked out.




Then I was in somebody's arms.

"Its okay Angel he won't hurt you now." Said the soft voice through the blackness.

"Hush now....Keyland love."

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