Chapter Nine - Going On a Date With My Stalker...

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A/N You may want to translate the Spanish into makes the story better. Btw thanks for reading! Love you all! -B


The next day The boys had managed to bring in two out of the three triplets. I tried to get them to confess but to be honest, I'm not sure if either of them are the bad apple...So basically after a long and trying day I had to get ready for a sort of date with the creepy guy who had poisoned my roommate in college. Yay.

I borrowed a red dress from Rachel, (who happily helped me get ready for my 'date'), and we were ready to go. We got a gift for Richard at a very nice suit store. (Westwood). I bought him a tie with little sculls on it. I thought it might remind him of when we did Hamlet together. Finally we pulled up to a very nice restaurant. As we walked in one thing was made very apparent to me. I could not escape.

It seemed Richard had chosen this venue specifically for the amount of security it had. There were armed guards at the door.



The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my immediate reaction was to want to run. I stopped moving. Sebastian put his hand on the small of my back and propelled me forward. We walked into the restaurant and Sebastian took me over to the hostess.

"Reservación para Moriarty." Said Sebastian. The hostess jumped up with wide eyes, and grabbed my hand.

"Ven por aquí señora tu esposo está esperando!" Said the hostess nervously. I wish I took the time to learn Spanish before coming over here. I look to Moran helplessly.

"Go with her I'll pick you up at midnight." It was ten now. What would we even talk about for two hours?!

The hostess lead me up the back staircase and onto the roof. The roof was covered in candles and there was a single table at the centre.

 At it sat Richard. In a suit. Smiling at me.

"Buena suerte señora" Said the hostess. Uh oh I knew what that meant. 

Good luck miss.

"Keyland! It's wonderful to see you!" He said as the hostess ran back down the stairs.

"Hey Richard." I said awkwardly. He rose from his chair and gave me a lingering hug. He pulled out the chair for me and I sat down. I don't think I'd ever felt this creeped out... He sat down across from me with a shy smile on his face.

"How are you my dear. It's been so long!" Richard beamed.

"I'm wonderful, and how are you?" I said wishing I was anywhere else.

"Fine thanks."


A waitress came to our table and took our orders.

"So did you ever go into acting?" I said as the waitress left.

"Yeah actually I got a gig doing a children's show."

I started laughing.


"Just picturing you on a children's show."

"Hey I was the story teller. It was a very good job." He said smiling at me.


"So how did you and Sebastian meet?" I said conversationally.

"Work." He snapped.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked.

"No." He spat. 


"So Keyland how is your work going?"

"Good I did actually become a psychologist."

"And are you still living with Sherlock?" He said in passing.

"...Er...Yeah I am." I said. His eyes went cold.

"And you are still single...I wonder why?" He sneered.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I spat.

"Think about it Keyland. You living with a man doesn't look good."

"I'm sorry did I ask for your opinion?!" I sassed.

His eyes lit up with malice.

"No but maybe you should listen to me." He said in a threatening way. I shrank into my seat, my heart pounding.

"I'm sorry. I'm really not complaining I'm happy you are still single." He said trying to charm me with another one of his smiles. It didn't work.

We chatted like old friends and somehow the night almost flew by. It was the end of the night when I asked.

"Sebastian said you had something for me?"

"Oh yes." He said pulling out a jewelry box. 'Well at least it's not a ring box' I thought. He handed me the box and I opened it immediately. Inside was a simple golden chain, it had a tiny gold box at the place you hook the necklace together.

"I noticed the chain you keep your mothers ring on was getting old." He smiled.

'You noticed?' I thought. He had been keeping tabs on me!!!

"Would you put it on for me?" I said taking off my other chain and moving mom's ring over to the new chain.

"Sure!" he came around to my side of the table and I held my hair up. He put it around me and did the latch.

"Keyland what is this." He said running his finger along the scar on my neck. I resisted the urge to scream. I didn't want him touching me.

"Oh! That is nothing." I said dropping my hair down again. Now I'd have to wash my neck with acid...

"That is definitely not nothing! What happened?" He said grabbing my hands.

"I uh. I was catching a psychopath and he did this to me."

"Was that psychopath Tobias Boleyn?"

"Yes. But you knew that already, didn't you?"

His eyes flashed again and he smiled unsettlingly at me.

"You are too clever Keyland. I told you I would not let anyone hurt you." He said in a sing songy voice.

"Richard. You are scaring me..."

"Good." he said. Something pricked my neck and I passed out... Again.


Richard picked up the box Keyland was holding.

"What a nice tie." He said, as Sebastian carried her body to the car.

Richard followed Sebastian out through the restaurant. There were shocked faces at every table. The Hostess gasped as she saw Moran.

"Tu señor eres el diablo!" She spat as I went by.

I hissed at her in response. She jumped back and crossed herself.

I laughed as we left.

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