Saturday || 1:00 a.m.

200 6 0

Cloud 9

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Cloud 9

The music was loud, blaring from the speakers that were set up all around the club. Men and women were dancing and grinding with each other everywhere. There were people at the bar on the first floor, and one could see more people gathered at the one on the second floor, knocking back shot after shot. Girls walked around with trays of shot glasses glowing under the blacklight, and the entire club was dusted with a layer of smoke from fog machines. Girls were decked out in rave-like costumes and outfits, while most of the men were wearing white shirts that were covered in splatters of glowing neon paint. Some people had colored chalk thrown onto themselves while others had neon body paint covering their bodies. Girls were grinding and dancing on each other on the second floor, leaning out over the balcony laughing with the crowd. Cloud 9 was alive with people and energy, and the drugs? There were endless supplies.


    It was cold outside that night, but girls still stood in line outside of Cloud 9, half-naked and ready to party. Boys were gazing longingly at the girls they knew they probably had no chance with, but with the right mixture of alcohol and hormones, they would still try to take one home with them.

    Veronica and Roxy stood outside of the club in the back alley, waiting for Martin, one of the club owners, to come out and let them in.

    "We have to get the product moving, Rox. My dad will be pissed if we end up just partying all night and not making him any money," Veronica stated, running her hands up and down her arms to keep them warm. She was wearing a tight-fitted short white dress with neon purple heels. Her makeup was done up in a purple smokey eye to match them, and her eye-liner was white, no doubt that it would glow under the black light.

    "I know Ronnie, we'll handle it. I say we pull the usual; start off with the guys. They can't keep their hands off this shȉt. The girls will follow once word gets out that we're here," Roxanne responded, "Besides, Cloud 9 doesn't close until four, and most people stay here until closing."

    This was a game to them. Two pills. One red, and one black. Take the right one, and you'll experience the best, most addicting high you have ever felt. Take the wrong one? You're dead. The buyer got to choose which pill they wanted, and for whatever reason, younger stupid kids were willing to take the chances.

    Martin cracked the door open, and the girls followed him inside to the inner workings of the club, heading down the spiral staircase behind him. They could hear the bass, shaking the whole building as they walked down the staircase in their stilettos.

    "It's kind of sad if you think about it," Roxanne noted, "I wouldn't take the chances of dying just to get high. Don't these people have any love for themselves or their friends and family?"

    Veronica snorted and shook her head, "Half of these kids don't believe that the wrong pill will kill them. They're young, dumb, and too naive to realize the mistake their making. My dad told me about the people who were testing these drugs when they were first created. Those who took the wrong pills suffered a very painful death. What's worse? They went into the tests knowing fully well they probably wouldn't make it out alive."

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