Chapter 4: Making a friend

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...After some minutes ,I felt that I was laid on a bed and I smiled, knowing that my life will
change for better...

The next day our little and super cute wizard woke up in a room,this time it was green,it was dark,but after all he was used to darkness,dark was a well known friend of him. The bed was soft,similar to the one where he woke up some days ago, though a little smaller and with heavier blankets. He headed to the bathroom shivering,it was cold, oh well of course it was cold! He was barefoot and the floor had an icy feeling. He took a shower and prepared for the day. He went out of the dorm and got down the stairs to find a room,it has an oval shape and it's ceiling was high. There were so many sofas and armchairs but he didn't pay any attention to that. Instead,he went through a black picture frame and head to The Great Hall ,or that was how the child called it.

He walked elegantly and stopped when he reached the closest table of the four. The one that had his favourite colour,this one was evidently green. He sat in the middle of it, he didn't like to be too near of the door due to the noise when the Gryffindors came and he didn't particularly enjoyed to be near the watchful eyes of the teachers. He made some coffee appear with a mug and stated drinking the bitterly liquid yet for him tasted like glory itself. Suddenly he heard a student shouting. "A unicorn has entered and it is crazy". People started screaming making the confused creature trip and 'scream' in pain.

What he said,to my surprise was true, normally unicorns are rather pacific beasts, the black creature was jumping from one leg to another, everyone run away of it and the four headmasters were having a 'small' problem calming everyone down. I could sense that whatever was happening,it was very painful for the animal and something I detest is suffering, I can't stand when someone is suffering,beside me. If I suffer that is alright.I got up and run to it, to me it was struggling to breath as if breathing made the pain unbearable. I let out a sight and called the only 'person' that I knew to help me, since my parents weren't there to help me.
"Mortis" I shouted clearly,while petting the horse like animal's head. I felt everyone tensed and a black figure appear.

-Yes,Master? He said with a truthful smile.
-Please,tell me there is a potion classroom with any kind of ingredients? I asked hoping that the answer was positive. I started palpating the unicorn's uterus since it seemed to be swollen. When I touched it,the creature started whining .- Ok, bring me a pain reliever potion,a calming draught potion, a replenishing blood potion, a blue blanket,a big bucket of water with some shampoo in it, a pair of gloves, a scalpel with 12 cm of blade, some needles,maybe three,some stitches,a mask and a scar removing potion,now!! I order to the cloaked black figure. Everyone was watching each of my movements, the creature teacher was about to come near it when I set up a barrier around us. I started to do some tests on it, if I am correct it is has just gotten into labour.

Mortis came, exactly when I discovered a fail in the birth canal,I could tell it was hurting her,she wasn't dilated enough.
-Ok-I said putting on the mask and the gloves-I'm gonna practice a caesarean on her,Mortis give her the pain reliever potion and a calming draught potion intravenously when I reach one. Three,two,one,now.-She was falling asleep. I had very little time to do it and it was a complicated operation- Mortis,scalpel!-He gave it to me and I did the cut,since it was a unicorn and its uterus is close to the skin,it doesn't loose much blood,but still there was a lot. I open the bag and took out the little foal. I stitched the wound just in time,because it was about to wake up. I close the wound and applied the scar removing potion which started to make effect as the scar was disappearing. I turned to the breed, it was breathing,but still covered in the platinum blood. I made an sponge appear and with the bucket started to clean both of them,giving at last the replenishing blood potion to the mother and covering both of them with the blanket. The made a beautiful stamp so I asked Mortis to take a picture which he did. Then a white unicorn entered and kneeled to me,then started licking his female and breed,to recognise that indeed it was his little family.

-Thank you! He said to me once both of them were safe and sound.
-No problem. I answered him,everyone started gasping as I wasn't speaking in English, yet again I have so many secrets that can't be discover. Not now at least. I stared as the tree of them started to trot away of me, I smiled and waved at them,when the little one came back accompanied by his father. The elder one touched my head with his horn and made a black aura surround me. I found out soon that we were creating a familiar bond, he then licked my cheeks and returned to the forest.
-By,family!I said waving at them,saying that we will meet one day.

With a flick of my hand everything I used,except the blanked returned cleaned to their place. I sight out of tiredness,Mortis held me close to him and sat beside me. He tended me a coffee, he was watching worriedly at me,maybe I was a little palier than before,I used a lot of magic. I gave him a reassuring smile and drank my lovely coffee.

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