Chapter 9: Not Powerless

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...As the goblin picked up the covered in blood scissors and immerse them in a transparent liquid located in a bowl...

The kind of water potion changed into a dark red colour with black on it. The goblin didn't know what to say at that time. Some words started appearing in the air,those were written in what seemed to be black and dark flames. Were you could read the many potions the little wizard had in his organism. This ones were suppressing his magic,so once he killed Voldemort he could die along with him and Albus-dumb-as-a-door would rule the world, yes,the muggle one too. After the long list of potions vanished,it appeared another one this one was golden and was about the many lordships he possesses: Magicy,Mortis and Vitae,as in the magical world Death was in charge of the live too and basically created all the creatures in both worlds;all the founders of Hogwarts, Le Fay and Pendragon as his parents saw the enormous intellect he had,surprisingly the Potter as his parents died and he was registered to become the lord once they passed away, Black too. And lastly the Peverell. No heirships at all. Once that vanished it appeared a new list,this time grey,this one registered every single damaged or harm on his body as well as his inheritance.Harry tuned his head away as he saw the killer expression the goblin had, but somehow he managed to understand that it wasn't directed to him. He tried not to cry in front of the kind creature in front of him,as the list kept growing in length: He surely needed a kidney transplant,lately his urine has became red, he struggled to breath when he did sport or just walking quickly.

-Well,Master,I would like if you stayed here to cure that damaged. Also,you can be whatever creature you want, every single creature. Before I release you,I am going to give you your rings. One by one,the creature put on the table some little boxes made with basilisk skin and a few moments later the amazing rings were decorating the child's hands.In his right hand there were five rings, eight of them were merged together. Gryffindor with Slytherin making a lion with a snake on it's neck;Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw forming a Raven with a badger; Merlin and Morgana (Le Fay and Pendragon) were a white dragon with an M as a crown, Magicy,Vitae and Mortis where a sickle with a green aura and a wand;Then Potter and Black were a P superimposed by a B made out of white gold with amethyst  and on the left hand in the index a ring with the three deathly hallows on it, the Peverell's one. He had a grin on his face once every ring adapted to his fingers,feeling the power that were radiating, with only that,the little pain he was feeling...dissolved leaving a ghost pain on the abdomen, he felt all his magic growing inside him,feeling an adrenaline rush inside him,as his magic exploded,causing the office of the goblin to break the walls and lamp.

-Different creatures inheritance will show up when you become eleven years old, the first one is going to be an obscurus merman and a white golden and royal dragon,also thought your creatures are stronger and quite powerful,you are a submissive and you can transform in whatever animal or creature you need once you reach eleven and your first creatures come to sight. You will feel pain, unbearable pain, but once you find your Mate or Mates,you'll be great. It was actually a lot of information to take in-Before you, go Master,is there anything left you need me to help you with? He said with a quiet voice.
-Well,I would like to know if I have new powers. The hole conversation was in Goblinghood. Harry saw how the little creature searched for a candle. He put it on the center of the desk and asked the wizard to put a finger onto it. The child did as he was told,he didn't burnt his finger,on the contrary it tickled him.  White words  started appearing on a black parchment. As the time passed by the mouth of the creature nearly hit the floor. I got nervous so I caught the parchment. It seems that I can do anything I wanted,time travel without causing problems,even create new planets if I wanted to, now I am considered as a deity. I said goodbye to the nice goblin, he was too shocked to even noticed that I was gone,no one can search their way through Gringotts because they  want their money to be safe,so each second the corridors change their ways ,so the goblins were stunned to see the little boy in the main corridor just a few meters away of the main door without a guide.

He stayed next to the door waiting for his parents to come,he felt his magic core complete and powerful. He knew that he was more powerful than the founders and his parents magic joined. I decided to send a patrones to them. An enormous Basilisk of more than  three hundreds feet came to the surface and liked his creator's cheek. Harry hissed something into it's ear and saw how it left searching for his parents,everyone saw as the giant snake went into the bank as the child walked with a lord's walk outside the building,to disappear out of sight. After that,two older figures followed by the ghost like basilisk disappear in the same place as the child did. Tracing the trace of the kid's magic,they found themselves in a small shop they recognise immediately, expositors were full of large amounts of large boxes covered by  lyres of dust that made you sneeze. The child spotted an old man that would help the kid finding a wand. Though he didn't exactly need one,since he was one year old he remembered to create tornados in order to put something in a high shelve. Well the man asked the child which hand he used most,not knowing the strong items he will use in the wand.

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