Chapter 36: Surprise!

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...That's why I didn't want to tell you, in case you discovered how messed up I am and obviously leave my side, after all no one would love me...

-Tom's POV.-
At first I couldn't believe what I heard, I thought he got rid of those depressing thoughts!
-Harry, you are perfect, you are perfection indeed. Please if you don't feel well enough you should tell me, I'm your mate. I thought you didn't believe in me! - I started crying just like the boy who sat on the bed.
-Tom, that's how I was told. Then I went with people that cared for me and so I understood that I had people to rely on! But once I was told I would have mates, I ... I panicked. I'm sorry Tom. He said weakly.
-Don't worry, it's ok, my dear.

-3rd person's POV.-
And so time passed. The couple was expecting Tom's letter so he could start his Hogwarts schooling.
-Tom, aren't you exited? Harry asked Tom once he had finished with breakfast. He put in a plate five pancakes with maple syrup as topping. He put a bowl of fruits on the table just like two cups of coffee.

-Harry's POV.-
-Not at all Harry-I could tell he didn't sleep, he had dark marks under his beautiful eyes. He gave me a hug, I really love his hugs, after all they made me feel special .
-Why is that honey? I asked while I helped myself to a pancake.
-You aren't going to be with me, I'll feel lonely. I couldn't tell I had a surprise for him and he is going to love it.
-It's going to be ok, we'll keep in contact-He slowly nod, giving me the point but I could tell he didn't like the idea of being apart from each other- Have you packed everything- He slowly nod he had a depressed aura but I couldn't afford to spill the surprise.
-Let's have our last breakfast together, or I'll be late and the train will leave without me- He put some fruits on both of our plates and a pancake on his-Why do I need to go to Hogwarts? -He had asked me that question before, I am always repeating myself over and over again.

-You needed to go because you need to be recognised, the shouldn't know you have been homeschooling since you were nine. It is better seen by purebloods if you studied in Hogwarts, you'll gain a lot of power if you contacted with the right wizards. -He nod, once we have finished he rushed to his room to get his trunk. I quickly stood up and opened the cupboard door, I caught my trunk and reduced it size so it could stay in my pocket. I did as if I was doing the washing as I heard how Tom went down the stairs.
-Cone no or we are going to be late for sure. I nod and we flood together to the platform nine and three quarters.

-Tom's POV-
Harry was a bit weird this morning, as if he was keeping things from me, the last time he did he ended up with high fever. I looked at him, he seemed to be sad, just like I was, I hope he can survive without me. I don't want him to end up cutting of harmed. I kissed him lightly on the lips, the train was about to get off. I chose a compartment. I waved him goodby as I levitated my trunk to a free space in my left above my head. The train started moving, I was about to start a new period of my live and my mate wasn't there to see me.

Time passes, only half an hour, I was really missing him. I decided that I should read something to keep my mind of my depressive thoughts. Seven year's potion text book sounded good. As I started reading someone knocked on the compartment door. It was a young lady pushing a stand that was full of sweets. Those reminded me of Harry, I bought some chocolate frogs and all flavour beans. I was interrupted until Hogwarts came to sight.

Someone knocked. It was a fifth year.
-Please put in your robes, we are about to arrive. I nod, with a flick of my wrist I changed my clothes. Then someone called for us. He was a very tall man with black hair. He revealed himself: I'm Professor Joseph. I teach Care Of Magical Creatures. First years, please follow me. He led us through a forest, I could see a unicorn and maybe two or three fairies. He ended up in front of what Harry said was The Black Lake.
-Four per boat. He shouted. I was placed with a girl and two boys. One of the boys had platinum hair. The other one had it curly and the girl's was straight and black.

-Hello, I'm Alexander Malfoy, heir of the Malfoy family. Said the blond hair boy.
-I'm Arcturus Black, heir of the Black family. Presented himself the curly black hair boy.
-I'm Rose Parkinson, heiress of the Parkinson family. Said the girl.
-I'm Tom Phantomhive, Lord of said house among my mate. I said, we stretched our hands and started talking about our house preferences. We are all hoping for Slytherin.

-Ok, now, lower your heads and you'll have the first sight of your school.
-Wooooooooow! The building was, amazing, it screamed magic! It was beautiful, just like my mate told me.
He made our way to the entrance of the Great Hall. Professor Dumbles gave us a speech I didn't listed to and then the gates opened. On the high table there were two spots free one from Dumbledore and the others one? He started to call out names. We ended up in Slytherin. Then Dippet, the actual headmaster gave us a speech on the rules, he went through the Professors too. When the doors opened.

-I'm sorry I'm late! Wait, I knew that voice. I turned to see the person that was standing there...

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