Chapter 29: The Secret

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...He turned to face me, both of his eyes staring into mine, I couldn't breath any longer...

-Tom's POV.-
Harry always was always wore that eyepatch, I have wanted to take it off to see what it was hiding. But not like this.
The flames were long forgotten, both the kitsune and the tornado dissolved long ago. Now I could only stared at my Harry. His right eye was nonexistent, well, no pupil, it was black, that side of his face was red. Dried blood was decorating it, though it seemed to have been there for years. He stared at my own. I didn't realise when he took his eyepatch from my hands. I started blinking when I didn't feel the cloth on my hands. He had taken it and put it on it's usual spot, around his eye, covering that side of his face with some hair.

He started to shake. He fell on his knees, he hugged himself and started crying. I didn't know what to do, I kept feeling so damn helpless. He started to dig deep his nails on his skin making blood go out of his body. I started feeling dizzy myself, seeing blood leak out of your lover's body is not something I wish for someone to experience. My heart started pumping. I started feeling anxious. I dropped to my knees and crawled towards him. I hugged him, I reached for his hands and separated them from his arms. He refused my help, at first he got his hands out of my grip and kept on pressuring them into his skin.

He started to go backwards a little when I tried to reach him. I didn't want him to fear me, he reached the wall and stayed there, trembling, apart from that he stood still. Breaking sobs came out. I stopped in my tracks, nearly touching our hands. He hasn't cried like this before. Since I have met him -Though it hasn't been long- He had always had that huge heart, he has cried in front of me before. Yet this time seemed to be different.

This time was making me to cry beside him, to console him in every way I could, just so I can put a stop to those muffled and choked sobs. He was whispering some words, I couldn't catch them but I knew those were insults towards his person. I reached for his hands again, hoping that this time I wouldn't be pushed away. It seems that god did have heart this time as I could sit beside him and hug him from the side, lifting the surprisingly light body of the eighteen years old and making him sit on my lap.

-I'm...I'm so sorry. Probably you wouldn't like to be with an scarred person like me. I am such a waste of space for you now. -So that is what is tormenting him now, my little Sub- I am sorry that you are prisoned with me as Fate has put us together. -I did what my heart told me to do. I took his shaking hands again and pressed a little, I made him lift his face. Our breaths started mixing and I couldn't stop myself from staring at his lips. I was surprised when he was the one to eradicate the distance between us.

Harry pressed our lips together in a slow kiss. I took some time to respond bit I did in time as I fell him pull away from my embrace. Something inside me made me took the control of the kiss. The kiss was rough, yet full of love and care. I realised that Harry's lips were slower than mine, that his movements were inexperienced, that made me smile. We pulled away. We were still hugging each other. Then he retracted himself. He adopted a feral position with his back on the wall.

-I'm sorry! -Be put both of his arms on his head as if they were creating a helmet. Was he waiting for me to hit him? I didn't understand anything. First his eye, I want ro kill the one who did that to my perfect lover's orb! How dare they! Secondly, why is he sorry? For what exactly?- You are supposed to be the Dom! How could I ever initiate a kiss? I have been told that I was a Sub, I should start behaving like that! -He was sorry for initiating the kiss?
-No! Harry! You don't need to be sorry like that! And I love the way you act! -I snapped at him, but at that moment I just wanted to make him understand- Please, I love you, just the way you are! I don't want you to behave more submissively around me!

-Harry's POV.-
He wanted me to behave like myself! I was relieved he wasn't going to hurt me. I stood on my feet. He deserved to know! He wants me, the real me, not the submissive one I forced into myself! I reached for the ribbon of my eyepatch.
He deserves to know, he deserve to know, he deserves to know. That was my mantra and I repeated it over and over again in my head as I pulled it down.

-Tom, you are the only one who has truly cared of me. Have a sit please. -He was shocked by how quickly I recomposed myself. He took a sit on the sofa. I sat beside him.- It all started when I was four, even thought I was young I can still remember everything, every single detail of that terrible night. -I started to recall that night, it was confortable to talk to Tom about that night. It has been my secret since it happened, talking about it was, to say the least, difficult. Extremely so. My eyes were tearing up. It was oddly refreshing to talk about that accident. Emotionally it was as if a burden, a huge one at that was lifted from my back. Once I finished I realised I wasn't the only one crying.

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