Chapter 15: Books

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And he disappeared after he heard a 'Dad' coming from his Master, that made his
hard and icy heart melt.

Harry started to wake up hours after dead left him, for him it was a new experience, he supposed that back when he was a mare infant his parents used to do what Mortis did, he didn't know why, but he enjoyed the feelings of death's emotions, he was treating him as his own child instead of a normal Master treat. And our little boy was indeed in great need of a paternal figure in his live. He made a quick tempus, it was already lunchtime so he shook his familiars's shoulders to wake them up, he was amazed by the great amount of hours he spend in dreamland, usually he would sleep for three or four hours straight before a nightmare came out and obligated him to spend the rest of the night watching at his very beautiful ceiling. He got up carefully as sleeping on the floor has provoked him a rather bad pain on his back, he did some exercises for it so that it would stop creaking around. The familiars stared at their master carefully, they really cared about him.

Then, his familiars 'attacked' him by throwing themselves on him, then they made him turn so that his back was facing the sky and carefully started to do a smooth massage on his back, not with much pressure of course so that they wouldn't break it. Harry was really enjoying it, once they finished his back didn't hurt so badly, it just ached a little. He didn't want to go to the Great Hall to eat, he wasn't hungry, but he decided to go and have some few bites of something to prevent him of falling and entering the world of unconsciousness, he was tired of it not only that, also to prevent his familiars to worry about him. He got up followed by the little unicorn, Noctem on his hair that worked as a nest for it and Stromae on his neck. He started walking towards the Great Hall as he was too tired for appearating there. He pushed the big oak doors and entered, obviously he started attracting a lot of odd stares, but he couldn't care about them. Probably because he didn't look really nice, his hair was a mess and was partially covered by grass. Harry interpreted the stares as he was awful so he waved his hand over his hair and his somehow green hair changed into his particular smooth blue and white one. It looked silky and nice to the touch.

Everione in the hall including the four headmasters seemed to be amazed by the quick change of appearence. He sight and sat at his favourite corner of the Slytherin table, he let his familiars do whatever they wanted. Stromea moved to his side and started pointing at what his Master should eat, on the other hand, Noctem decided the quantities Harry should eat and the little unicorn our wizard decided to call Canus started licking one of the boy's cheeks. That made his mood change into a better one, his usually twisted mood was stil there, stil he managed to form a little smile with his lips, by the stare his familiars were giving him they were really satisfied by that single gesture of his face due to the link that existed between them.

Harry didn't mind at all the protection his familiars were ginving him, instead he really appreciate it, for him it was a present from destiny. During his whole life he has been alone, he was embraced by loneliness and darkness until he died. Then everything twisted but in a good way, now he had a parental figure and friends even if they were not humans, he enjoyed their company. He started eating what his familliars had schosen for him, he didn't paid any attention to what he had on his plate, he trusted them with this, besides, he was in great need of this important people in life that protected you, he just enjoyed this moments he had with them. He stopped eating for a moment, wondering around the Great Hall, his eyes met whith the ones belonguing to the four headmasters of the school, he interpreted them as the typical "There is something involving you, a matter of importance" Harry was sure of the fact that the message will be said outloud, probably to the entire school, maybe at dinner that day. He shruged his shoulder, as if he was saying "I do not mind anymore". After the mini conversation, he turned back to eating, he drank a cup of water, got up and left the hall in faviour of going to the library, books were his bestfriends since he basicly was born, he liked to believe that his mother was reading a book while giving birth to him, of course that was not true though the little infnt liked to see the long and tiring also painful procedure from that prespective. Books relieved him from pain and they were the only "people" that stayed by his side. He loved to reffer them as people, trustful people that would not turn their back to him, on the contary, they helped him to forget about hours and hours of the awful world he lives in.

He walked down the corridors, his feets leading him to one of the few places at school he liked to spend his time in. He loved the smell of old books, their yellowish pages in contact with his fingers as he turned them to see what was happening next, explanations waiting for him to discover, information printed in parchment for him to look for, even if Mortis endowed him with amazing intelligence he still loved the books, obviously physical ones, not the ones his aut Petunia used to read on her Ipad. He lost track of time as he was sat on a small desk on a dark corner, surounded of biologycal books and notes.

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