Chapter 46: What?

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...I nod and followed the butler, though after that I will realise it is a women, downstairs to find Phantomhive sat on the table, while his hand was being revised by Serhat...

-Harry's POV.-
My hand was being revised, it hurt, but not so bad; the only inconvenient I had, was the hurting feeling of one of my Doms being away of me; my sub was hurting pretty bad.
-Thank. You, Serhat, dinner was good and my hand feels better. I thanked him, I excused myself from the table. I went straight to my room. I left both of my mates behind, but, at this point, I could care less, I didn't care; I just felt horribly down, I went to lay myself o my bed. I thought about telling Severus the 'relation' I need for us to have later on, once he is in second year, though, at this point, were everything has started to hurt... I felt lonely.
-Jole, please, give me a pepper-up potion. She appeared with the vase, I drank it, immediately, my humour went upwards, I started feeling better, not much.

-Tom's POV.-
-Hey, Severus, I know this is a new life for you, but you must know something: Harry is an incredible person and, i won't tolerate that kind of behaviour towards him, his live depends on both of us. I seriously said. I can only imagine what he has gone through, but, I love Harry and he is far more important than Severus, he is my life.
- Ah! How can a life depend on other people? As if I am going to murder him! I don't actually care if he dies, though, I have a preference towards him being alive until I finish my magical education and get a job of my own; then, Phantomhive won't have any use for me, he is just someone that will help me reach my goals. As Severus finished saying that, a scream was heard, my ears bled out of it, Severus covered his own with his hands.
I run towards Harry's dormitory, being followed by the other mate.

I pushed things out of the way. The scream was heard again, I opened the door wide open, I saw him, fetal position on his bed, his bloodied wings were covering his body; his heart was racing and blood came out of his eyes as tears would do. The sight was horrendous, I wanted to puke. I heard a sniff from behind, Severus had tears of his own, I wanted to touch him, tell him everything was alright, not the case. I thunk he followed me out of instinct.
-Death, Mortis; what is happening? I asked, desperately. Tom sat down on the floor, taking Harry's trembling hand on his own, giving it a kiss.

-Severus' POV.-
-Dad, it hurts, make it stop! Harry cried, his voice was hoarse, so very different from the soft voice I heard this morning. Suddenly, I felt cold; Tom made an space for another person, was it Harry's father. wait, since when is he 'Harry'.
-My son, my son. -Death appeared next to harry, it was a skeleton, somehow so very different from how the muggles painted it. On the bed, hugging him close to his none-existen and cold chest. I was astonished Death had a child? Was it Harry?- He dared to reject you! I advised you, my child. -He said slowly, Harry tried to nod, he exited a small whimper instead.
-I know he has rejected me, uhh. It hurts too bad and I gotta work tomorrow. I was feeling bad, very bad, I was watching as that creature was laid within the arms of Death, crying bloodied tears on the skeleton. Inside me something was punching me to kiss the man on the bed.

-Third POV.-
Harry still had his job at Hogwarts with the enormous pain he was in, he highly doubted he could do his job; he was certain one of his mates would reject him; the agony was back at full force, it felt as if his uncle was... giving him pain once again.
The angel lost consciousness, the skeleton turned to the mate he thought, was the one who hurt his child. He took Severus from his collar.

-You, Severus Snape Phantomhive, -in the god's opinion, the kid didn't deserve that last name- Hurt my kid! My child is an in readable creature, full of love and care, you were supposed to protect him, and yet, yet, you reject him! The god made a cut on the kid's cheek with his Scythe to the eleven years old, he didn't care about the tears and the blood that poured out of the little cut non-stop.
Severus was left crying, even Tom pitied him, yet, he dared to hurt Harry. Tom growled and transformed into a basilisk, the king of snakes. Death nod towards Tom, and left, thinking that his child was left in good hands.

The enormous snake Slytherin towards the unconscious man and sat beside it, Severus dared to give a kiss on Harry's hand again, noticing how cold it was and how neon his gains were. The snake, meaning Tom, pointed with his head towards a book, the book he has read to understand what Harry needed and what he was. Severus got up and took it.
-Hey, I don't know what happened, but I wanna help somehow. He reached forward to touch one of Noctem's old feathers, receiving a bite from the phoenix. He then, proceed to go downstairs to have a look at his new book.

Later on, early in the morning, Harry was the first one to wake up. He was decided o move on, even if he felt on fire with every breath he took, it was natural, he thought, he will need to deal with it. Slowly, he got downstairs, to prepare some pancakes. His head was hurting, his wings were still covered by dried blood and his lungs didn't provide him with enough air.
He found Severus asleep, he put on him a cover, as he saw how he trembled; even if it pained him treating Severus with such care.

The sweet smelled of well-cooked pancakes woke up the dormant snake and the boy of the couch. Severus found the cover he was covered with and stared closely at it. He saw the hurting adult smiling at it, he felt his heart break in shame.
-Morning, sweetheart. -Harry said towards the boy, who gave him a peck on the lips.- I feel better, sorry if I woke you up with all the screaming, Tom.
-No, Harry, it doesn't matter; today you need rest. Tom brought the things Harry cooked to the table. the sub was still trembling, notoriously, which had Tom scared and Severus filled with gilt. He knew what to do, but didn't know how to approach Harry.

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