Chapter 20: Dementors' Tasks

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...That was the thought Salazar had, he stopped staring at the child and started digging in his own untouched plate of food...

And so time passed, Harry grew fond to his real parents, in reality, he helped the four headmasters making their masteries, Rowena chose to do it on Charms, after all she loved them; Godric did his on defence, Helga on Herbology and Salazar did his on Potions, it took them good five years to reach their dream, but finally with Harrison's help they managed to complete it. As Master of Death he had some duties to do, one of them was to choose the next Dementor lead every two hundred years, now he was currently eighteen, he won't age more than what he has already aged. Besides, last year was the last one he was working as a teacher, he was now the school's headmaster. The four ex-headmasters chose to gave him as a present the singular Phoenix called Phaux for his birthday in front of everyone in the Great ahall. The bird  started singing, then something strange happened, the Phoenix started to melt into his skin, now he had a strange tattoo with a red Phoenix going all the way down his neck.

Today he was working on the different papers of admission as for now he had to do everything, when a dementor came to Hogwarts, he appeared though the guards and told him to go tho Azkaban, they needed him for the ritual, they needed to choose a new 'alpha', Harrison got up and thanks god he had finished with the letters, he pushed them aside neatly, he turned to his visitor and in his language said: "Let me catch my cloak, then I'll follow you, go heading" He speed out of his office, changing it's password as going down the staircase, he headed to the gates and informed his teachers of his absence with his patronus. Death appeared beside him, to instruct him correctly, let's say Harry wasn't used to be Mortis' Master. He went to Azkaban.

The weather was horrible, it was raining a lot, he soon would catch a cold. He started shivering, Mortis was aware of it so he passed him a black cloak which had the Deathly Hallows printed on it's back. Harry stopped shivering and gave an small smile to Death, they both entered the prison. Surprisingly there was no sound to be heard, not a maniac laugh not screams just the Dementors' breathing. There was a corridor, there were two lines every single Dementor was there. Harry wasn't affected by their coldness as technically he created them, well, not exactly, but as he was a Master of Death...

-Master, there are three tasks the three competitors need to pass, the first one is the easiest one, they need to drive one of the most secured prisoners crazy; the second task is more difficult, they have to resist the patronus charm, that's where you act, you are the one who performs the spell and last but not least they have to fight between them to death to gain that cloak over there -He pointed towards a cloak that was in a crystal cage. The cage was in the wall of one of the cells, the very first cell that was created, it was the most ancient cloak on Earth as Dementors were the first spice to be created- The cloak is a symbol of power to them, they feel more powerful than the rest, they need to care for they 'pack' as most of the Dementors are caught by humans, nowadays there are some dark spells that as you know kill them.

Mortis ended the explanation leaving Harry deep in thought, maybe it would be a nice idea to forbid those spells that kill or harm in any way dark creatures. Harry came back to reality when the Dementors started to chant. The words were Latin yet he understood most of it: "Our Lord is going to be chosen, he must protect us, he must be a leader. Master of Death will be the judge, with his aid we will be fighting each other just for us to reach his embrace. Then our king would be selected." They repeated that over three times, as they didn't have a voice the sounds were a variety of nasal sounds which was weird to hear.

When they finished chanting a rune with a five pointed star appeared and started glowing as a demon came out of it. The demon was powerful indeed. He made a bow in my and Death's direction, he wore glasses he had hazel eyes and stood proudly at 7'8, he was wearing a black butler suit, he obviously had made a contract before, though now he was free. The strangers said:
-I am Dark Night, Prince of the underworld, Master and Dementors, let the first task begin! -Soon twelve enormous Dementors followed him to the most secure place of Azkaban, the people in there were as quiet as the rest, though they did conserve some happy thoughts, sadly they won't have them anymore, Dementors entered the cells and stared at their victim, some of them gave up quickly others took some time. Two of them couldn't make it. Their victim kept their happy memories for them self's- Now, Master if you may... - Harrison caught what he was saying, they went to the hall they were in before the first task, the Dementors who didn't want to participate or weren't capable decided to patrol the corridors as they normally would.- Expecto Patronus!- The giant Patronus was so bright that some of the Dementors only face it once and decided that they couldn't take it any longer, the other five stood a little longer when three of the five collapsed on the floor and they disappointedly flew with their mates.- Now, the moment of the fight, you must kill the other to obtain the title.

But there was a problem with that very last task, no one wanted to kill their friend, enough of them were killed every day for them to kill themselves.

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