Chapter 40: Common Classes

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...I sat next to the herbology teacher and started on my breakfast...

-Harry's POV.-
The herbology teacher, whose name was Martha took a long look at me, she moved her chair to the right and tried not to make eye contact with my eye. I ignored the glare she sent my way.  Slowly I dig in, it was delicious, this time I finished half of the plate. I looked up and met Tom's gaze, he smiled proudly at me, then, he returned to Abraxas Malfoy, who was a first year too.
-How was your night, Mr. Phantomhive? Ask a man on my left, he was bald and had some kilos, but he seemed to be nice. His name was Horace Slughorn, he was teaching potions. He was smiling at me, as if meeting me was like the many other students he gave class to and became famous.

I din't glare at him, but I made my eyes become as icy as possible, the students staring my way flinched and his smile  changed into a horror expression.
-I had a good sleep, thank you. With that, I disappear through the professor's door of the right and went straight ahead to my teaching room.

I awaited the first years.
Slowly, they started entering the class. Most of them speaking with their friends, one of them awfully quiet, Tom sat on the first row, on the right. Class got mixed up, so every paired was formed by a Gryffindor and a Slytherin.
-As you might now, I am your new Defence Against the Dark arts teacher. I am going to show you how you approach certain creatures, how to tame them, how to provoque harm to others for self-protection and of course how to shield yourself from spells, obviously to fight back. Any questions?

None of them raised their hand, except for a tiny girl sat on the left side, her hair was in a tight knot. I pointed at her.
-Please, do say your name while asking the question Miss...
-Mcgonagall, Minerva Mcgonagall Professor Phantomhive. Why do you carry so much weapons when you are a wizard? She seemed to be truly interested on the answer.
-Well, Miss Mcgonagall. We cannot always trust on magic, can we?- She was taken aback.- Evidently we are wizards, but magic requires high control over it. If you are not powerful enough and you are in a ...not so nice position you must be capable of defending yourself. Therefore, I believe that being in good form and master quite a few weapons is vital. By this point I was sat on the air, as if i was in a throne made out of oxygen.

A boy, he was thin, his hair was shiny brown, raised his hand, and the avalanche of questions started.
-Moody, Alastor Moody, sir. Are we going to learn how to fight with muggle weapons?-Good question.
-I suppose we can start at the end of this school year. It depends on how quick we can go through the spells, but it is a top priority. I answered. Another boy on the right side, a Gryffindor slowly raised hid hand.
-Longbottom, Franklin, Professor. Why do you have an eyepatch, may I ask?-He closed his eyes, tightly, and quickly, out of fear, started to terribly shake.-Sorry, sir!
I sigh, but I answered anyways, the boy was a sobbing mess.
-I had an accident on my childhood, Mr. Longbottom, tha's all. I conjured up a tissue, and gave it to the student, gladly he smiled.

-One point will be taken from Gryffindor for asking private things to superiors. None of the students took it wrong, they were all agree that he shouldn't have asked.
The rest of the hour passed by rather quickly, they learned the sunlight charm, we talked about it's effects on the human body, burns mainly and on dark creatures such as the infery and on plants, though I left that part for Martha, the herbology teacher, she gladly accepted to show them the plants that were affected of the charms and spells I show my students and if the plants were bad and didn't work for potions or anything else, they would practice the spell on them.
It was nearly the end of the lesson, I told them to write one page essay on the inferi. They left the classroom when the bell rang, some of them asked me how they could research for information. I created an holographic map of Hogwarts and show them where the library was. Outside the room there were fifth year Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, some of them asked how was the class to the first years.

-Fifth year, all out, the class will be given by the Lake. Please, get your wand and book with you. My voice was a bit more authoritative than when I spoke to the fist years but this are teenagers, they are not kids. I appear to the lake and waited for them to arrive, they were excitedly talking between them. Ten minutes later all of them were standing in front of me.
-Today, I will show you how to create a water bubble. Turn to page 346 of your text book, the spell is called Aquarmis. The wand movements are a bit elevated, a swish, flick to the right, to the left and whoosh. You have to push your magic towards the water. Feel you power, touch it, manipulate it ; create an sphere and if you can, you can throw it to each other, only if it works. Go ahead.

Many students had trouble, one by one I helped them with their wand-issues. There was a witch, she was on her own, staring at the surface of the lake. Quietly, I made my way to her side. There it was! A beautiful small ball above the surface.
-Twenty points to Hufflepuff, Miss...
-Black, Bella black, Professor Phantomhive. Her voice was like a whisper, she was quiet as if she was afraid of speaking too loud. She was petite, and thin, her long curly heir was hiding a red bright scar, but it seems no one cared.
-Miss Black, silence has been for very long time the loudest scream for help. I'm here for you, at any time.
Her eyes where still sad, she was about to fall, but she held the hand she was offered as a lifesaver, she nod to the adult she has only met yesterday as if it was the father she have never had.

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