Chapter 45: Manor

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...He sounded like a father or a lover would, that was strange to think...

-Severus' POV.-
So, He took my things, he made them tiny, I suspect by using magic. I wish I could prevent those strange things to happen around me. I had to take his hand, we appeared to an Alley. I remember that some weeks ago, I came with mum here to buy some potions we needed to take care of some wounds.
-I suspect you already know this, but welcome to Diagon Alley. First, we will go to buy you some cloaks, some other clothing too, buy you the books you will need and at last, your wand. If you find something you like, don't hesitate to tell me. -Was what Phantomhive told me, he sounded tired and very sad, but I just gave him a nod. School stats in a week and I need all the things on the list. - Tom, the same goes to you, though, I think that you won't need anything.
-Alright! Thanks! The other boy said with a smile.
-Wait, after all, we will be visiting Gringotts. For Severus to become a member of our family, just the surname. Are you okay with that, Severus?
-No, I won't be changing my surname. If anything must be done, it will be the adoption papers, but nothing else. I said coldly, immediately his eyes became dull.
-That is fine too. The other boy sent me a killing look, but I couldn't care less.

We entered many different shops. The apothecary, were I asked for random ingredients; we bought robes, cloaks and everyday outfits as well as some pijamas; we entered the Emporium, I found a lovely owl, black, like me, with black eyes, I asked for it. I felt a rush inside me.
-Well, congratulations, Severus, you found your familiar. -He said, I saw how a bird appeared on his hair and an enormous snake surrounded his neck.- The Phoenix is Noctem, the snake is Stromae. He said presenting me to them.- This two are my familiars. I nod.
-Mater, I don't like that boy. -I heard something behind me, I couldn't understand what it was.- I know, but he is my mate, I can't do anything about it- The teacher said back. I was surprised. The shop attendant fell to the ground, my teacher did a spell so that he could come back to his senses.
-Go, it's free. I decided I would call my bird: Salvator. We went to Gunther to the wand store, I noticed how my teacher was in pain, he kept his hand covered by his cloak.
Ten minutes later, the weird man told me to hold another wand. My wand is made of dragon heart strings as core, it's wood is walnut, twenty centimetres long.
-Let's go visit my friends. My professor said.

-Tom's POV.-
I didn't like this Severus. Yes, I felt the connection creating between us, but I could've afford to loose Harry because of him. Harry was bad, very bad. He hasn't said anything for a while, except for what he had said now about the Goblins. He wanted us to be a family and if Severus rejects him, he won't be able to live like he would like.
-Hello, Grin, it has been long. Again, Goblinghood, we attracted everyone's eyes.
-Master! They hugged! Everyone stopped what they were doing, Goblins, hugging a wizard.
-Well, what are you here for, Master? Now, we could understand them.
-My very old friend, Grin, I have a new addition to the family. Harry said tiredly.
-I see, you don't look fine, wanna stay on my spare room having a siesta? You look horrible! Now, that was unexpected, Goblins around us kept doing their work, magical people were freaking out.
-No, but thank you, though one of your coffees sounds delicious. I would accept one, if you could prepare it for me. He said, Harry and his coffees...
-Of course, come in with me! We followed him to his office, Harry sat down with the help of the Goblin, being rejected that way must hurt, even if Severus knew nothing. The Goblin gave Harry a cup of coffee, I could see how delighted Harry was.

-Severus, cut your finger with this scissor blade. He did, the blood was mixed on a potion and so, as it was spilled on the paper, we found that Albus had a spell on Severus. So he would reject his mates and be more like a puppet, waiting to be manipulated by Albus.
-Thank, you, Grin, a lot. Harry said while bowing to the Goblin. I was astonished as it was the first time Harry bows to someone showing respect.
-Master, no need to do that! Said the creature helping Harry to his swinging feet.

-Severus' POV.-
I saw Harry differently now. My eyes were closed by the actions of that man. I felt as a rush of magic connected with Harry's. I didn't know what was happening, but I could feel his magic run through my system.
-I will explain to you the sudden rush, but wait until I treat my wound. I nod, I was relying guilty for the shot. We went out of the bank and traveled home the same way we came, by the invisible straw that made me loose air.
-Welcome to the Phantomhive manor, hope you enjoy your stay. A pair of butlers was waiting for us.
-Jole, Serhat. I present you my new mate, sorry, audition to the family: Severus Snape.
-Helio, Master Severus. They said together, I felt like royalty all of the sudden.
-Go upstairs, the room opened is yours. I nod and followed the indications. It was amazing. My room was gigantic, my four posted bed had black blankets and grey pillows on it. I had a lot of space for myself, I had a desk on the left and an enormous wardrobe. My window had views to the front garden, I could see part of the forest and the shadow of the gates on the distance. I must likely will love my stay. I put my new things Harry bought for me today, on my wardrobe, the potions ingredients were set apart, so that Jole could help me setting them on my new bookshelf.
-Master wants you downstairs, for dinner. I nod and followed the butler, though after that I will realise it is a women, downstairs to find Phantomhive sat on the table, while his hand was being revised by Serhat.

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