Chapter 14: Decision?

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A laugh was heard, it sounded acute and very psychopathic it sent shivers downs  every inhabitant of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade's spine and made the famous quarter to fear whatever or whoever made that sound.

In the headmaster's quarters the four wizards were staring at each other closely, the four had already an idea about who made that horrible sound, their minds travelled to our little Harry. Then once that awkward moment ended they continued with their reunion.
-He isn't like first years we are use to know- He received some stares, he interpreted them as "Of course he is not the average student and he is with the se en years"- Yes I know that fact yet, he impressed me, I hate to admit it, but during his lesson with me he managed to give me a lesson about a new potion he created on his own. Said Salathar Slytherin with a grin on his face, that really was strange because he never smiles at nothing.
-He helped me two hours ago, a classmate didn't follow my explanation I went unconscious and he saved his live-Said Helga, in reality everyone was quite exited to meet someone with that amount of power- On top of that he did his essay in less than a second with the correct length I took a closer look at it and there wasn't a single error, nor in the writing, and...Oh my his handwriting was so clear and neat! What I say is true, don't give me those stares! He made the parchment appear out of nowhere and the essay was already written on it!
-Ok, we get it, he is extremely good with everything...But maybe he is a seer and he saw how you sed the work before you did? Asked Godric thinking out loud.
-Oh my! Godric you are using your brain!Said Salathar with his voice tainted with sarcasm.

-In my opinion-Said for the first time Rowena entering the conversation- He is with the seven years and it is likely we agree he is over the level Hogwarts has he could manage to do the OWL's and pass them with O's. She added creating an uncomfortable silence averted her interaction.
-Well he does have the level, I'm going to give him a vote of faith, I trust his level. Salathar said after a long pause. The rest were deep in thoughts, but who wouldn't? They have this amazing student that is better that the four of them together and besides they were afraid of him, he indeed was a powerful wizard.
They talked for an hour about the estrange case. After that the four of them decided it would be said during dinner the next night in the Great Hall.

Meanwhile Harry was on the edge of the Black Lake, he was enjoying the beautiful sight, the stars were reflecting on the calm waters, the big squid was playing with it's tentacles creating waves every here and there, Thestrals came by and licked the child's cheeks he laughed a little bit, then he saw his first friend among with Stromae and Noctem the little unicorn was quite happy to see Harry.
-Hey! How is your mum doing? Did she recover from the operation? Harry asked his very first friend.
-Hi Master! She is good, she recovered correctly, she is resting in the forest with dad, I sensed you were here, I just wanted to tell you... The time you operate mum, you were wearing what wizards called glamours, they were many...I just wanted to ask if you are alright? He asked me with worried black eyes.
-Don't worry little one. I am alright...-He watched closely at me, I sight-Can ask you something...-Herty, dad gave me that name Master-Ok, Herty by the way you can call me Harry.
-Tell me Harry-The little one came closer to stay and sit by Harry's side, taking care of his two familiars-Is anything wrong?
Harry's answer was to take of his glamours he seemed so broken that didn't even seem like a human to the unicorn anymore, he was like death-Will you stay here tonight, I don't want to go back-His voice cracked in the last word. He felt how the unicorn came closer and licked away the eyepatch, the pure creature started crying just like the boy beside it.

-I'll stay Harry. And the boy wished that was told to him before and from a human been that actually liked his person but that was too much to ask for coming and knowing the dark humanity...He broke down again crying on the fur of the animal's back, feeling how it started moving his head on the boy's back as the snake started caressing his neck and the hatchling sing a beautiful song, his eyes started to feel heavy. It was now when he realised how tired he felt. He sensed a magic presence he knew very well but now he couldn't manage to care at all, he focused on the smoothing song Nictem was singing him and the heartwarming moves his familiars and friends were giving him, he felt like that time he talked to death, amazingly protected and taken care of. It was a beautiful sensation he couldn't feel during a lot of times in his short live, he relaxed and lost consciousness as he traveled to dreamland.

Mortis was there since he felt from the other side of his connection how his Master was breaking down, he really loved his Master, he was so sweet and really nice and powerful boy , he had been treat horribly by his own family, though he didn't choose his Master because he pitied him no, he loved his Master because he had the most purest heart he had ever seen, he didn't look after himself in favor uf the people he loved, he was perfect. He saw that his Master was in good hands, he saw the darks marks that surrounded his bright green eyes, Mortis was happy that his Master was able to relax, at least for a bit, he made a soft blanket appear and covered the group, he made a spell so that nobody can notice them, nor touch them or sense them at all, he kissed his Master's forehead, he really loved his new Master in a parental way. And he disappeared after he heard a 'Dad' coming from his Master, that made his hard and icy heart melt.

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