Chapter 37: Hogwarts

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...I turned to see the person that was standing there...

-Tom's POV-
I couldn't believe what I saw, it was Harry, standing tall and proud with Stromae around his neck and Noctem on his hair, using it as if it was a nest. He wasn't wearing his casual clothing, but instead plain black shirt and trousers and he was wearing his 'teaching cloak' which was also of said colour.
-Doesn't matter creator. After all you are never really late, you arrive when you mean to. Said the hat to the DADA teacher.
-Oh, thank you I guess. How are you doing my fellow creation? I stared at him as if he wasn't from Earth, just like everyone else. I noticed that Harry seemed to be more serious, he was even scary. I think I wasn't the only one who noticed his sudden change of behaviour.

-I'm doing quite well, though Hogwarts...not at all, since you left things have changed. For example, the Slytherin common room is falling down.
-What? -Harry had a horror face, his eyes were big and he has started to hyperventilate- Is everyone ok?- He demanded looking at my table, they nod.
-You must go there and repare it, also go see your little creature, you know, the one in the chamber of secrets.
-Ok, I'll do that tomorrow. He jumped from where he was standing to the place he was to sit on at the high table. The sorting hat went straight to him and they continued talking while his plate of food appeared. I returned to see at my own forgotten plate and realised that my mate has been staring at me and my plate. His eyes travelling from me to my food, I ate silently, still sending him stares once in a while.

Out of nowhere the temperature dropped and I understood some fifth year that the ghosts were coming, indeed not even two minute passed when twenty ghosts entered the Great Hall and stood in front of my mate, he was smiling. I don't know how but he knew those people.
-Master! -He was wearing an old suit with lots of puddles of blood on it. He was the Bloody Baron according to a third year- How are you Professor? -He hugged Harry and gladly my mate returned it, surprisingly they stayed like that. Harry didn't went through the ghost's body.
-I'm good, thanks Aron. -That was the name of the Bloodied Baron...Ok, strange- How are you Miss Ravenclaw? -Rowena? He met Rowena, how old is he?

-Master Phantomhive! Could you tell me how should I add the mandrake if I want to make a deathly potion?
-You cut it and then you mix it with the acromantula's fur, and that's it! -She said thank you and she asked me about the book and the page.- Potion's Mastery for starters, page 2563, chapter 79. Now leave me, I need to eat.

-Master! -A ghost with red like clothes came up to my mate- Salathar left me! He said, he had black dark circles around his eyes. We heard Harry sigh, by the sound of it he was used to this kind of scenarios.
-Don't Worry Mr. Gryffindor, he will come around! Now please let me eat!-The ghost sat next to Harry and started crying on his shoulder while my mate did as if he was not there and kept moving the food around his plate.
-Professor! -A lady, this time with a yellow like dress jumped on my angel's arms- Care to tell me where my beautiful Rowe went?
-You should know it Miss Hufflepuf.
-Your personal library! -He nod towards the girl and went straight to a wall, she disappear.
-They are going to destroy my chambers...I heard him say, after those incidents, he took his plate of food and made it disappear by snapping his fingers.

-Harry's POV.-
-I've got a lot of paperwork to do, so many years...This is incredible, it'll take me at least two or three others, and prepare tomorrow's lessons. Filtch, please, send Rose to my dorms to tell me what Pivet says as speech.
I did as I said. I touched a wall and a door could be seen I entered the room to see my perfect bedroom intact, just as I left it before going to find Tom. It felt nice to be back, though I'm going to miss a certain new sorted snake.

I decided that I needed a shower, my back hurt and my head was feeling hot. I wanted so bad to just go to bed, but I needed to prepare my classes and obviously all the paperwork Dumb-as-a-door couldn't do. I got my clothes out of my trunk and turned to see Stromae and Noctem, they were curled one next to the other sleeping soundlessly on a nest I prepared at home. Then I stepped into the bathroom. I entered the bath and  opened the hot tap. I felt so relaxed back then that once I closed it I decided that it was good to take a quick nap.

Half an hour passed, then I was hit by reality. I fell asleep on the bath. I got out and put my night clothes on. I felt as if a pack of werewolf's stepped on my back. Right after breakfast I've got Tom's class, then fifth years, then six, then four and yeah that's it. So I started to search for my books and making notes. Time passed and out of nowhere it was one o'clock in the morning and I haven't done the paperwork yet.

Suddenly a wave of absolute tiredness came over me, I slowly closed my eyes not even bothering to get into bed. I used my arms as pillows and I drifted off to sleep on my notes, Noctem woke up and sang a song to me and that really helped me get rid of the nightmares that normally haunted me. I believed that I could get a nice sleep for once, even though I missed my Dom and it hurt pretty bad.

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