Stopping Them

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Harley Quinn: Aww, I'm touched little bats.. Speaking of bats, where's B-man?

Damian: Busy, as I said to your plant partner, I, oh sorry, me and my friend, is in charge of Gotham today!

Without noticing, Harley got blasted by Jon's heat vision straight up knocking her down the stairs. But of course, she's an acrobat, she landed perfectly to the ground and ran.

Jon: I'll take Miss Quinn, you take Miss Ivy..

Damian: Jon! They're villains, you don't need to have respect for them! And yes! Go! I'll handle plant lady!

As Jon flew down, he noticed that Harley is no where to be seen, his x-ray vision is a little blurry because of the hit he took from her mallet.. He was cautious of his surrounding as he flew around slowly. He opened a room which from the looks of it is the Art section of the muzium. Not long enough, he noticed Harley was behind him again, preparing to attack him with her mallet again, but this time, he manages to dodge her attack, and punch her in the face instead. He didn't punch her hard, afraid that he will hurt her. As Harley pat on the spot Jon punched her, she kept calm and put her mallet down.

Harley Quinn: Hey there little Sups, I don't think I've eva came across ya, just your daddy. Harley Quinn, please to meet ya!

Jon: I can't say it's nice to meet you but it's good to know you Ms Harley..

Harley Quinn: Oh sweetie, call me Harley, everyone does. Now, I got a question for ya, didn't your dad ever teach you to not get distracted during a fight?

Jon: Yes, but what does that have to do -

Harley Quinn: SIKE!

Harley slammed Jon's face with her mallet causing him to hit and break a statue

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Harley slammed Jon's face with her mallet causing him to hit and break a statue.

Meanwhile, Damian is fighting with Poison Ivy

Damian: What do you want Ivy?!

Before Ivy answered Damian, she summoned one of her vines to grab Damian and hold him tight.

Poison Ivy: I'm here to collect the plant toxins that is being used as decorations in this ghastly place. Why showcase them when you can use them to make yourself even more powerful. With them, my plants will grow stronger, healthier, and most of all, more poisonous. (Evil giggle)

As Ivy is talking, Damian tries to reach his Katana at the side of waist. Getting a good grip at the handle while waiting for the right moment, to cut the vines and attack Ivy. Ivy's plants carried her and Damian along into the room 354, which is a lab where the staff's of the muzium keeps all their plant discoveries.

Poison Ivy: Where is it, where is it...

After a while of searching the whole lab, Ivy finally found the plant toxins.

Poison Ivy: Ah, there you are my babies! Come to mama! You will no longer be trap in this musty place again.

Ivy grabbed a bag that was laying on the table, and gently place all the bottles containing the plant toxins into it.
Damian was about to free himself from the vines as Ivy is being distracted, but as he did, another vine, and this time, more thicker and tighter caught his katana and threw it away.

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