I'm Never Leaving You Dami

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I'm sorry that it took long to put this part. I got stuck in making this part. But I finally manage to continue it. However, I'm still thinking that this chapter isn't so good. I apologise if it's disappointing. But I hope you guys will continue to read my future chapters. Love Cyrus (Author)❤


Well, I'm awake now, kinda, and I'm on the sofa. To be honest, right now, I just don't feel like using the PairPad.. I mean, I've always wanted to use one of these, but just right now, I'm feeling guilty. Guilty because I've read Dami's journal without his permission. Mom and dad always told me to confess my mistakes, that way, it wouldn't be so bad. I wonder how am I going to confess it to Dami... Will he get mad? I looked at Dami. He is waiting for my answer on the bed with his hands crossed.

Me: Nevermind it's not important. Hey look, I gotta tell you something. You might not like what I'm about to say. You might be mad. I completely understand if you want me to leave.

Damian: It couldn't be that bad. What is it Kent?

Me: Well, it's, uh.... It's--

In my mind, I kept on repeating "Please don't be mad" over and over again. I'm afraid Dami would not trust me again after he hears what I did.

Damian: Jon?

Me: (sigh) I, I read your journal just now. While you were showering.. Please don't be mad. I only read 2 parts that's all. I didn't see more than that. I swear! I know I'm not suppose to but I did because I was stupid. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

My hands were covering my face while I'm in a ball position. I didn't realise my eyes were tearing till I felt a tear rolling down my cheeks. I quickly wipe it off and sat back in normal position. Damian hasn't said a word eversince I apologised. Then Dami got up, and walked to his table. He took his journal and walked towards me.

Damian: You read this?

Me: Yes. I'm sorry.

My hands were back to my face. Covering my eyes, hoping he wouldn't see the tears. I curled up into a ball position again and bury my face between my knees, while I wait for Dami to yell at me.

Damian: Jon?

I felt the sofa was jerked a little. I lifted my head to look. Damian was sitting on the arm rest. His hands were on my left shoulder.

Odd, his eyebrows seemed to be straight

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Odd, his eyebrows seemed to be straight. His green eyes looked calm. He had a smile on his face. It wasn't too wide, but I can see that he wasn't mad.... Why?

Me: Yea?

Damian: You know, sometimes I just don't get you. I mean, why do you have to apologise for these kind of small things? Not just apologise but cry for them too... It's only a small matter Kent... and I didn't mind if you read my journal or not. There were no secrets in this book. Plus, If I didn't want anyone to read my writings, I would have bought a book titled Diary with a lock on it, or I could have just typed them in my laptop and add a password to secure it. But I guess Diaries are too girly for me. And I prefer the old school way by writting instead of typing. I bought a journal to write down some highlights that happened in my life. Good, bad or even depressing highlights.

I sat back in normal position again. My legs were crossed with my hands were on my knees. I faced him and asked.

Me: Why?

Dami looked at me. Those green eyes met mine. His eyes looked like he's hurt emotionally. He took his hand off my shoulders, and wiped the tear on my cheeks with a his thumb.

 He took his hand off my shoulders, and wiped the tear on my cheeks with a his thumb

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Truly, I was shocked by that. Usually whenever I cry, he would be the first to slap me or yell at me. Damian then lifted his right leg to the arm rest and leaned on the sofa back.

Damian: Let me tell you something about me Jon. I don't have anyone to talk to. I mean like, I don't have anyone who I can share my good times or bad times with. Sure there are those 3 idiots, father, Alfred, and the Teen Titans. But somehow, I just don't think they would want to listen to my blabbering. (Sigh) it could get quite lonely in the Manor sometimes. I got myself a journal to write down the happy, depressed and annoyed moments in it. I've been bottling up all my feelings and pains for far too long. At some point, I couldn't take it.. So I write them down to get ease feelings. It doesn't help as much as I thought it would, but at least it's doing something rather than nothing. I did ask Raven to help ease my feelings once. She succeded, but it didn't take long before my bottle started over flowing again. So I stopped asking.

Me: Oh, I, I didn't know you had feelings Dami. I'm sorry.

Damian: Jon, just because I act tough and brave, doesn't mean I don't have feelings. No matter how much Talia has trained me to be a weapon, I'm still human at the end. I had feelings during those days, but I rarely felt them.  However, they grew stronger eversince father took me in. The feeling of Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Confusion, Pain and so on, I have em all. I just don't show them. I rarely feel happiness. But I often felt pain. I hid my pain by being rude and ignoring others. Sometimes Dick would come into my room, sit next to me and ask if I'm Ok.. Of course he would expect me to say I'm ok. So that's what I did. I just said I'm fine, and to leave me alone. But deep down in me, I wanted him to see that I wasn't fine. I wanted him to see what was hiding behind my mask. I wanted all of them to see it. But it never happens. They always believed me.

I took Dami's hand and squeeze it with mine.

Me: I know you might think I'm lying when I say this but, I'm here for you Dami

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Me: I know you might think I'm lying when I say this but, I'm here for you Dami. When things get dark, and you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. You don't have to hide your pain anymore. I can't say that all your pains will be solved but I can say that you won't have to fix them alone.

Damian: You really mean that?

Me: I do. I'm not gonna leave you Dami. Not now nor ever. I'll stand by your side till my last breath.

Damian chuckled in a low voice. He took his hand out of my grasp and playfully messed my hair.

Damian: Thanks Jon. You know, I think this is one of the longest conversations we've ever had. Looks like I'm not going to regret making you my best friend. My first real friend.

I've never felt this happy in my life before. I can't believe I became Dami's best friend.. Dami left his hand on my head while smiling at me. I was so happy at that moment. I opened my arms and wrapped them around his body, giving him a hug. Dami got down on the sofa next to me and hugged back. This is a moment I shall remember forever. My very first hug to Damian.

Me: I promise to be your friend now and forever.

Damian: Me too Kent. Me too.

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