Gotham Coastline

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10 minutes passed since Jon started running.

I never thought I would find myself holding onto Jon while he runs in super speed. Ughh! I'm already soaking wet! I can't see it, but I can definitely feel it.
Ok, setting aside all my complains, I'm actually, oddly, enjoying the ride.. I've never felt this amount of speed before. Not even the Batmobile could go this fast. It feels like the speed of a rollercoaster but faster. I know this isn't my first time being carried by Jon, but during the time Jon carried me when were being chased by that stupid kid robots, I was too focus on studying the robot functions to feel the wind, ride or speed. But now, I'm having full focus on the ride and I gotta say it's pretty, good. Just that, not only the wind is hitting my face, but also the rain. Tho, its hard to see anything because of the wind hitting straight into my eyeballs, making them dry fast and makes me to blink alot. I closed my eyes and hid my face behind Jon's back.

Me: (loud voice because its hard to hear) Hey! How are you doing??

Jon: I should be asking you that (panting) I'm good. (Panting) You?

Me: I don't know!.... I can't see anything.

Jon: Then nevermind, don't say anything. We're about to reach the coastline in 15 seconds. (Panting)

Me: Seriously?! That fast? How are you--

I instantly stopped talking when I felt no breeze hitting my body, just steady rain drops. I opened my eyes looked up over Jon's left shoulder, and we're here.

Jon: We're here. Gotham Coastline. (Panting)

I took my arms off his shoulders, stood up and walked a little down to the beach. First, I began stretching, when i was done, I took this opportunity to take in the beach view. Although it's raining and the sun isn't shining as bright as it usually does, the beach still looks calm and peaceful. Oh well, I wasn't a big fan of the sun anyways.

When I was done admiring the view, I took of my mask and turned to face Jon,

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When I was done admiring the view, I took of my mask and turned to face Jon,

When I was done admiring the view, I took of my mask and turned to face Jon,

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who seemed to be, tired, sitting on a medium size beach rock. His head was hanging, facing down, both arms were on his thighs, He's breathing very heavily, panting too. It's hard to tell if he is sweating or not because he's all wet by the rain.. (sigh) and so am I......

Me: Tired?

Jon: (lifted head up) Huh? No, not all at I'm just--

Me: Oh please, dont even kid yourself. It's so obvious that you're exhausted.
(Softer tone) Jon, you don't have to lie to look cool alright. Sometimes being cool could get you into troubles, believe me, I know. Just be honest, ok?.

Me: Ok, sorry. (Panting)

I walked to where he was sitting and I sat next to him. He was slouching but slowing starting to breathe normal again. I placed my left hand on his back and started patting it.

Me: That's it, breathe. Just relax for a while. Oh! I remember keeping a bottle of water in your backpack before we left the Manor. You know, just incase. (Took Jon's backpack and took out the water bottle) Here, drink.

Jon: Thanks. (Took the bottle, uncap and started drinking) Ok. I'm starting to feel better now. (Close bottle cap) (sigh) By the way, I'm sorry Dami.

Me: ? For what?

Jon: For dragging you out here under the rain. I never thought I would be exhausted from all that running. I mean, I've ran even longer than this timing before and I was fine but now..... (sigh) Sorry. Now, thanks to me, we might get sick when we return home. (Using cape to cover head)

Damian: (put on hood) Nothing to apologise for. Honestly, I kinda liked it, actually. I mean, I've never felt that speed in my life before. Not even the Batmobile has ever drove that fast in it's maximum speed. It was thrilling.
Hmm, about your exhaustion, I think it's because of me.. I'm positive you did not carry anything while running those times right. This time, you carried me, like a weight on your back. So don't blame yourself, think of it as an exercise. Honestly I really enjoyed the ride. (Looking into Jon's eyes) I made the right choice by trusting you Kent. (Smile)

Jon: Thanks. (Smiling back)

Me: The ride was good but I just can't see anything because of the wi---
Hey, speaking of that, I can't see anything because of the wind hitting my eyes, making them dry and making me blink over and over again. How did you manage to see?

Jon: I don't know, kryptonian powers I guess? Whenever I run or fly, the wind doesn't bother my eyes. They're perfectly clear and painless. Not to brag or anything but I don't need to use goggles like Bart and Wally does.

Me: Uh huh, yeah, that's bragging right there. (Smirk)

Jon: No I'm not. I swear! I do not disrespect Wal--

Me: I'm just joking Mr Takes Everything So Seriously..... Relax, I know what you meant.

Jon: Since when do you joke around?

Me: Eversince you taught me how to. But don't you get used to it now. (Sigh) Anyways, let's just wait for another 10 to 15 minutes.. You need to recharge your energy at least 50% to fly to the Titans tower.

I just hope that there will be enough time for me to get Jon's Christmas gift

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I just hope that there will be enough time for me to get Jon's Christmas gift. I need Raven to accompany me to get it.

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