Night Time Melody

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You could say that his expression was, surprised. But I prefer calling it, stunned. Not much difference but still. Maybe me asking Dami to sing for me was a little too much.

Damian: Wait, What?? You want me to sing, for you? Why?

Me: Well, I just want to hear your voice clearly this time. Not from behind a door, or with my super hearing. There's a name for this. Where one sings for another so that they would fall asleep. What is taht word?? Uhh??....

Damian: Um, a lullaby?

Me: Yes! That's the one, a lullaby.

Damian: So, let me get this straight.. You want me to sing you a lulaby??

Me: Well, I know lullaby's are for babies, so I would call it, Night Time Melody. Even if it's early morning now. (XD)

Damian: Hmm..

Damian was still stunned. His right hand was supporting his left elbow, while his left hand was supporting his chin. Those green eyes staring into mine.

Me: Oh nevermind Dami. Forget I asked that. I think I'm asking too much. I'm sorry Dami.


I mean, It's not that I don't want to sing for Jon, it's just that, I've never really sang infront, of anyone before. Maybe from afar yes, but not face to face. But, how can I refuse.. As I told him before, I don't mind if it's him who is listening to my singing. (Sigh) Maybe I should prove that my words, aren't just words. This is going to be something.


I felt embarrassed asking him to sing for me. I sat back into ball position with my hands wrapped around my legs and my chin on my knees. I was about to close my eyes but then all of a sudden, Dami playfully messed my hair again.

Damian: Scooch over Kent. Let me play, you a lullaby. I mean, a Night Time Melody....

Me: Really?

Damian: Yeah. Remember I said earlier that I don't mind if it's you who is listening to my singing? Well, now I'm gonna prove that I'm not just saying it, but I meant it. Just, don't tell anyone else Ok? If you do, I'm gonna deny it.

Me: Promise, I won't tell anyone else. Wait... Did you say you're going to play, me a lulaby??

Damian: Yes, I'm gonna play, you a lullaby with my violin. And yes, I'll sing too.

Me: Isn't that going to be hard? Playing and singing together...?

Damian: Maybe, but it's not my first time doing it.

Now, I just need to think of what song am I gonna play for you

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Now, I just need to think of what song am I gonna play for you. A song that is meaningful,,, easy chords,,,, and most of all, peaceful.


This is gonna be great! While Dami was thinking of what song to play, I couldn't help but to notice his legs. His legs were up on the sofa just like mine.

The things on his legs shocked me

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The things on his legs shocked me. There were many scars, cuts and wounds on them. I reached out to his leg and touched one of his scar.

Jon: Oh my gosh Dami. Why do you have so many scars on your legs?

Damian: Huh? Oh. Long story short, during my league of assassin day, I had many trainings involving blades and thorns. Whenever I fail, those blades will cut my skin. But I deserved it. It was a motivation to not fail again. I failed many times, but I sooner got better. I got better, and the slicing stopped. So yeah.

Me: That was just brutal Dami. I'm sorry.

Damian: Don't be. Anyways, I gotta think of what song I'm gonna play for you. I can't just sing something that is -----
Wait.... Wait a minute... Yes!!! I got it! I know exactly, which song to sing.

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