Raven's Conversation with Damian

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Me: Uh, thanks. How you know I like orange soda?

Raven: Damian told me. He talks about you sometimes.

Me: Damian talks about me? Since when did that started?

Raven: Since you both became the Super Sons or crime fighting partners. He does talk about you, but not too much or too little.

Me: (open soda can) So Raven. Why am I dreaming, this? This, painful and hurting dream. Or, maybe I should call it a Nightmare.

Raven: You're dreaming of your fears Jon.  I sense that you have a fear of not being a good enough friend to Damian. You're afraid that he's going to, leave you, someday. Am I right?

What she said was right. I couldn't bare to hear my fears in words. I looked away from her dark purple eyes

 I looked away from her dark purple eyes

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and glared at the soda can in my grip. Hoping not to cry. But it didn't work.

Me: Yes. I'm afraid that someday, Damian is just gonna toss me away like an old salad. Never wanting to do anything with me ever again, because I'm not his type of friend. (Tears started forming)

Raven: Jon, look at me.

I met her eyes again, just mine was filled with tears that time.

Raven: You got to stop worrying about this because it's never, going to happen.

Me: How do you know.?

Raven: Because Damian has that exact same fears you're having.

I was about to take another sip of the soda but then I stopped, shocked by her words.

Me: Wait, what???? Damian has the same fear as me?? That's impossible. I'm sure Damian wouldn't even care if he left me.

Raven: (sips herbal tea) He does care about you Jon. Believe me. (Put the mug of tea on her knee) let me tell you something. Damian and I had conversations. Compared to the rest of the Titans, I've had conversations with Damian the most. Not even Beast Boy, or Kory. Once in a while, when we're free, we would meet each other in secret, like in a cafe, on a roof, under a tree or above the Titans tower, to just sit and talk. You know, chit chat, as Beast Boy says. In many of those conversations, he does talk about you. He tells me stories of you two. The adventures you two had gone on. Like the time you and him were attacked by Kid Amazo under the sea. I actually enjoy listening to those stories, it helps keep my mind in peace, and, it also helps Damian.

Me: (Pulling soda away from mouth) Really? But then, why doesn't he talk about those fears to me? He doesn't even show any signs of him being afraid of anything.

Raven: I guess he didn't want to show his feelings and emotions to anyone else. He thinks by showing them, it would make him weak. He tells to me because he knew I was not one to joke around or make fun like the rest of the Titans. But don't get me wrong, I'm not always a stick in a mud, when it's time to have fun, I will have fun. But when it isn't, I'm serious.

Me: Hmm, good to know Raven. (Sips soda) Good to know.

Raven: As I said, Damian has those fears you're having. If I remembered it correctly, we were above the Titans tower on an evening.

We just sent Slade to jail, and you know the Titans, every victory calls for a Pizza Party Night

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We just sent Slade to jail, and you know the Titans, every victory calls for a Pizza Party Night. It was 6 in the evening, Kory, Dick, Gar, and Jaime was in the living room altogether, stuffing their face with pizza. Accept for Kory tho, she was eating more mustard than pizza. I joined them and took a slice of pizza. While I was eating, I noticed that Damian wasn't anywhere in the living room. I asked Dick where is he, he said that Damian's on the roof and didn't want to be disturbed. I couldn't just let him be up there by himself. So, I took a couple of pepperoni pizza slices and kept them on a plate. I left the Titans and head straight to the roof, bringing the pizza with me. When I got up, I saw him sitting at the edge of the tower, watching the sunset. You know what, It would be much easier for you to understand if I show you my memory of that day. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

Raven poofed up a cloud thingy.

The cloud slowly revealed a view of Titans tower, together with Raven and Damian

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The cloud slowly revealed a view of Titans tower, together with Raven and Damian. It's like, I'm watching a video of Raven's and Damian's conversation on that day.

Me: Awesomeeeeee!!!

Raven: This is a dream remember.. You can do anything you want here. Now, be quiet and watch this. Try to understand what Damian's telling me.

I took my eyes away from hers, and started looking at the cloud. All eyes and ears opened.

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