Chapter 2 Part I -- A New Family (Revised)

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Twenty rows of wooden tables and chairs occupied the space of the assembly hall. 

Hundreds of mages stood in front of a bar counter, all wearing a grave expression. As they saw Lucy, they parted, forming a gap to allow her to walk through. Murmurs of interest rippled through the air as their eyes followed her steps. Lucy's feet turned wobbly, being showered under the spotlight of attention. She always tended to steer farther from the crowd in the street. Now walking into it made her feel as if walking through the mouth of a piranha. 

The bobbing heads of the mages sure looked like rows of sharp teeth. 

Despite her discomfort, she still busied herself with taking in their physicals. The hall resembled a Skin Tone Chart. It seemed that Fairy Tail was a Magic Guild which opened to all mages. It took her ages to reach the front of the bar counter. Sitting atop was a dwarf-like old man. No, he was actually floating in mid-air! He wore orange pajamas with blue stripes. A matching pointy hat with blue spiraling design askewed on his head. The top of his head had gone bald with receding grey hair. The brows on his eyes were also grey and outgrown, which complimented the lumpy rose-beige cheeks, making him constantly wear a distressed look, a total contrast to his attire.

"Lucy, step forward," said the old man in a forlorn tone. "Let me have a good look at you."

As the old man stared into her eyes, the back of Lucy's head gave a sudden jolt of pain. A wave of familiarity washed over her. That throaty voice... Those brooding eyes... She was sure that she met him before, but she couldn't remember when or where. 

Trembling, the old man lifted up her scar-filled arms. A look of remorse took over his face. "Poor child, you've been through some tough times. I can erase them if you let--"

"No!" Lucy hauled her hands away from his grasp. 

"Hmm, she brought you up well. I shan't be too sorry for you then." The old man stroked his beard and spoke in an authoritative tone, "My dear children, let us welcome Lucy to our family." He transfixed his eyes on Lucy as he continued, "You've been away for too long."

As his words trailed away, the back of Lucy's right palm glowed. Pink stars spiraled around it, forming a needle. The needle pierced her skin, drawing a pink Fairy tattoo on it. The process was itchy but painless. Once the mark was completed, Lucy studied it, flabbergasted. 

The old man continued, "When someone we love has traversed to another dimension, mourn we should, but we mustn't let hatred conquer our soul. It's a weak moment when our inner demon arises. Fail to suppress it, we'll make ourselves no other than our enemies."

"Master, we should avenge our loss! Let me fight Oracion Seis!" roared Natsu.

Master? Is he the famous Master Makarov? Lucy thought silently.

Ignoring Natsu, Master Makarov said, "We should protect Lucy with all our might. If they found--"

"I can't be a coward, sitting here, doing nothing!" Natsu let out a beastly cry. His brown eyes sparkled, like two stones being soaked in kerosene, ready to emit fire. "I'm all fired up! Oracion Seis--" A sinewy fist punched his face.

"Didn't you hear Master? Now isn't the time yet!" The black-haired topless boy shouted at Natsu.

The fire, real fire in Natsu's eyes, grew larger, and those fangs of a hyena found their rendezvous at his mouth. "You wanna fight with me, Gray?" He jumped onto Gray and punched his cheek. 

"Why do you always act like a kid?" Gray pushed him aside and retaliated with a double-punch. "I have zero tolerance for a fool like you!"

"You are the idiot!"

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