Chapter 6 Part I -- The Wind Mage

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"Where did those guys go?" Lucy ran along the labyrinthine corridor, with Happy flying behind her. As the seconds ticked by, panic permeated her soul, like a repugnant stench.

"Lucy, think, if Eligor is planning to broadcast Lullaby, where will he head to?"

"The Announcement Room! You are so smart, Happy! Let's go!"

"It's just because you are too dumb, Lucy."

"Urgh, I'll stuff a basket of garlic into your mouth, cat!"

When they arrived, Gray was there facing the pharaoh-like mage. Natsu was nowhere to be seen.

Their opponent was swaying his hands in a weird pattern, the gesture like maneuvering an invisible puppet, as he said, "I knew you'll come here and try to mess with our plan."

"Where's Eligor? You guys are planning something else, right? Tell me!" barked Gray.

Smirking instead, the dark mage swayed his hands. Black tendrils with thick thorns shot out of his nails and charged towards Gray. They almost hit their forlorn target, when Gray chanted a spell-word and created a wall of ice to shield the attack. Relentlessly, the Urumis swerved around the wood eaves and sped towards Gray. The ice mage shouted another incantation. This time, a dozen of gigantic ice knuckles punched towards the dark mage, sending him reeling to a wall. The Urumis retreated into his flesh with a loud whoosh.

Gray darted towards him and held his collar. "What are you bastards really after? Weren't you planning on playing Lullaby through the speaker?"

The pharaoh-like mage gave out a burst of shrill laughter. "Eligor's Magic Wind Wall should be in place by now. None of you flies can escape from it."

"What do you mean by that?" Gray's spittle landed on the dark mage's face, forming tiny mistletoe. Within seconds, the mistletoe spread, and the dark mage became paler. 

"Your pity magic won't frighten me. Well, I don't mind telling you our plan, since you won't be doing anything to thwart it. Listen carefully. Oshibana Station is just a cage to trap you, flies. We took over this station so that we could block the route to the end of the line."

"The end of the line? That's Clover Station!" Lucy exclaimed. "Master and the heads of the other guilds are having a meeting in Clover Town. Urumi-Guy, your targets are the guild masters?" 

Both Gray and the dark mage goggled at her. They weren't aware that she was there.

"So, you've finally noticed it." Sinister smile registered to Urumi-Guy's face as he jerked back from his shock. "That's right. Clover Station is across a giant gorge. There's no way to get there aside from this route. Unless you can fly like Eligor."

"Bastard!" Gray was too consumed by his anger that he didn't realize the incoming attack.

Lucy and Happy cautioned but--

The Urumis had strapped around Gray's hands and body. With a swift sway, Urumi-Guy flung Gray, hitting him against the opposite wall for multiple times. Sound of cracking bones infused the room. Lucy prepared to call out Cancer when Gray's skin shone. Without warning, ice tubes extended from his skin and froze the Urumis. Infuriated, Gray let out a sonorous cry as he balled his fists. The muscles on his arms bulged out, breaking the frozen Urumis apart. 

Smoldering in water vapour, he walked towards their opponent, so slow that Urumi-Guy began to feel the threat. Wherever his foot landed, shards of ice appeared. They spread so quickly up to the Urumi-Guy's neck, thwarted his escape. Within seconds, his entire body was frozen, left only his head lolling helplessly. For the first time of the day, his eyes enlarged with fear.

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