Chapter 9

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I stood still for what seemed like eternity. A part of me wanted to break the door down and blacken the face of whoever was nailing my best friend’s wife, another part of me was already thinking about Andy and how hurt he would be because he sincerely loved his wife. The cynical (possibly the smartest) part was saying 'find your level. You have enough problems already.'

I stood there debating, while the sound track of my friend's wife floated out the window.

I looked up and saw Andy's next door neighbour looking at me curiously and I was reminded of my hideous appearance. I needed a change of clothes and a shower.

"Screw it, you can't just mess with my brother." I considered Andy as my brother.

I walked to the front door and banged it with authority while listening intently to the soprano notes floating from within.
It stopped immediately.

I knocked again impatiently then tried the door-it was locked as expected

I could hear shuffling of feet from within. "Sweet, sweety?"

So this is what cheaters sound like. I thought to myself
"Mona it's Rex, open up"

"Andy isn't home"

"Of course I know that. I left him in the bank few hours ago, he sent me"

"He should have called me now"

"Look I don't have all day. Do you want your husband to get fired? If not I suggest you open up now"

She unlocked the door. I could see her eyes were glassy. Her brains had been banged loose all right and it took her seconds to notice my get up and I could tell she would have burst out laughing if she didn't have a naked man in her room.

"What is this, why are you like this?" She asked

"Today was costume day in work. I just need to wash up and I'd be off" I could feel her relax a little in relief.

She began to chatter a bit nervously "funny, Andy didn't wear any costume today"

"You should see him now" I moved towards the kitchen and she followed although it was opposite her room direction.

"Oh my God, that would be so hilarious" she gave a forced laugh and I shook my head as I studied this beautiful woman who was hurting my friend after he loved her enough to change his ways and become a better person.

"I'd just need Andy’s casual clothes, a jeans and Tshirt probably" I entered the kitchen "God I need something to drink" I said in explanation because my eyes were roaming everywhere. I spotted what I needed and gladly moved towards it.

"Let me get you very chilled water or beer I know you boys love your beer"

"That would be wonderful Mona..." I picked up the pestle, it was surprisingly light but deadly "but first where is the fool?"

She stepped back in surprise "what-what f-fool"

"The second fool in this house that had the GUTS! To invade my bro's marital bed"

She looked stunned and confused as I swept her aside

"You are the first fool by the way" I whispered in her ear.

I ran towards the room with the anger and frustration of the past two days creeping into me. Fumi was dead and I had been helpless to do anything well I wasn't that helpless now "I'D CRIPPLE THIS FOOL!" I shouted at the top of my voice.

I kicked the door open and the fool was standing with his hands raised in Surrender. The face nagged at my brain and my speed lost momentum...from strange eyes phone..! That was Emenike...Chief's first son, Ada's elder brother....and the icing on the cake; His sister's stolen car was parked outside the very house.

Delayed Diagnosis {Book 1 of the Rex Obasi Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now