Chapter 23

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It seemed the moon had doubled its effort because the compound was twice as bright but then the strange noise I had been hearing had me looking up.


It was a chopper! And the powerful beam was focused on Ada and I blinding us.

"Get down! Get on the floor!"

No idea where the shouts were coming from, we obeyed.
I went horizontal quickly, tugging Ada's hand to follow my lead.

Armed men approached us, I couldn't see their faces and dared not look up but the boots I saw alone assured me that this was the real deal.
Someone grabbed my hands (which I had forgotten on my head) and when something cold snapped my wrist I knew it had to be handcuffs.

From the corner of my eye I saw someone was also attending to Ada.

"How many of you are in there?" The man had a very deep voice but his knee was pressing into my back making it impossible to speak.

"About five, I'm not the enemy please..."

I heard another voice and for the first time since he had forced his way into my life, I was glad to hear strange eye’s voice.

"D.y, leave him, that's my informant"

The knee shifted, I was helped to my feet and the 'Dy' (pronounced deewhy) removed the handcuffs.

They freed Ada also.

I looked around and could count about a dozen agents in complete regalia; helmets, kevlar vest, knee pads and a very wicked rifle so sophisticated that it looked like a toy.

Strange eyes materialised from their mist.

"Where is Fome and the Chief?"

"She is in there with the Chief and Mona." I looked at his face and saw his right eye was almost swollen shut and his lips were slightly swollen.

Mona had beat him black blue earlier in the diner.

Ada came to stand beside me and I was about to tell Strange eyes about the bags of 'powder' in the house and in the car, but her presence made me hesitate. The Chief was her dad after all.

Strange eyes on hearing the confirmation that they were all in the house signalled to the men who had all taken a kneeling stance and had their guns trained at the doorway.

"Please don't shoot, there's a gas leak in there." Ada pleaded desperately and I could tell she was concerned about her dad and brother.

"What kind of gas?" Strange eyes asked.

His questions wouldn't get to be answered because Mona came running out of the house with her gun still in sight.

"Drop your weapon! Drop it now!"

She ignored the shouts but kept on running to my direction. I could see the tears in her eyes and something moved me. All of a sudden a chill ran down my spine and I had the feeling that Mona and Fome had come here for something equally important as well not just money.

Then the bullets cut her down and Ada screamed. I also shouted and held my ears.

About two agents had gunned Mona down and I could see the blood spreading around her.

My first thought was: Andy...oh my God. I knew he loved his wife 100% and this was going to knock him down.

It was that thought that had me running towards her.

I heard strange eyes shout my name which I ignored. He shouted my name again then to his men, "hold your fire!"

For the second time in 3 days I knelt beside a dying woman surrounded by blood as she breathed her last.

Delayed Diagnosis {Book 1 of the Rex Obasi Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now