Chapter 49

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03:45pm (19 hours till the interview)

"Okay safe journey. Call once you land"

"Okay regards to Olivia"

"They're just boarding?" Olivia asked as I returned the phone to the pigeonhole.

"Yes, she says they'll call once they land"

She nodded then I pressed my palm down on the steering wheel, releasing the horn. Not like the car in front could move anyway, we were stuck in traffic once again, a complete stand still.

I was in a haste to return to the hospital, I had called Bami and even though I wouldn't say I trusted him fully I knew he would truly watch over Andy. So I called him before we left for the airport and in the next ten minutes the same two agents had turned up. My father had sneered at the fake captain. "I cant believe you're impersonating an officer! My son in law is a major, how dare you abuse what he stands for"

"It’s my job I'm doing and it’s not so different if you really look at it.." the agent had replied

"better don't let them hear you speak such folly," my father adviced him before stomping out of the room. I had stayed behind and emphasised on Andy's safety and they had assured me he was safe. The other agent seeming to take offence. "That's our want to teach us our job?"

"Who've been doing your job for you all this while? You're the gala seller agent aren't you?"

He smiled mischievously, "you punch like a girl"

"That was then, don't try me now. I'd break your face." I warned him through clenched teeth. The guy was always getting me worked up.

Now we were stuck in traffic and I called strange eyes again.

"Please call your agents again tell them they need to be extra watchful"

"Rex...fear not. I'm at the hospital already. I have the things you requested for"

"Wow...that was fast. We'll be there as soon as we escape this traffic."

The traffic had other plans and almost an hour gone we were still inching away. I lowered the radio when my phone rang, expecting to see Bami to be calling but it was Wendy.

"Hello...Jossy is gone for the day. It’s just we workers left now"

"Wow she closed early"

"Yes, sometimes it’s like that, I think the earlier you come the said you need it for tonight?"

"No...tomorrow. Tomorrow morning"

"Oh, we won't do much then. What time tomorrow?"

"Like ten o'clock"

"Okay. I'd work on most of the physicals today dressing, hair and the rest, then tomorrow would be for the facials and makeover."

"No problem. Whatever you say. I'm headed there now"

Olivia looked at me as I ended the call, "what of the hospital?"

"We're almost at the hospital. Nothing can stop us from checking up on Andy first"

I saw the ford jeep outside immediately I entered the parking lot, but I could tell it was empty. I tried not to hurry but my steps were brisk and I wheeled Olivia swiftly down the corridor. No matter what, my mind would never be at rest where Andy was concerned, the only time I had believed he was safe was when my father had been watching him.

Strange eyes was on the second bed, he was in a pale yellow hospital gown -the same gown meant for patients and Andy had on one that was similar. I could see he was receiving an intravenous drip and it seems he was sleeping, but the moment we entered the room completely his eyes were wide open and I could see his other hand was gripping his gun, he had whipped it out in a heartbeat. What's more, he wasn't receiving any drip because as he swung his legs down, I could see the needle passed over the plaster and he had been holding it in his hands.

Delayed Diagnosis {Book 1 of the Rex Obasi Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now