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Another chapter for you loves! I did some changes to the cast if you want to check that out, Dont forget to check out my other book too "The Masters will" 

Another chapter for you loves! I did some changes to the cast if you want to check that out, Dont forget to check out my other book too "The Masters will" 

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"Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring!!"

I groaned as I simultaneously turned to my left and put a pillow over my head, but the stupid alarm was still ringing non-stop, as if telling me that it wouldn't let me be until I really got up. Finally I got up and looked at it. 5:00am

And you are ringing as if it's 7:30.

Who asked me to even set it for this early?

I lay back on my bed, groaning over and over again. "I don't want to go to school, I really don't want to go to school" I chanted

School mornings are just the worst!!

I got up feeling light-headed and sleepily walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, tripping over nothing for like five times. I sighed as I showered and then did my edges and wore my uniform.

A white shirt, black and grey stripped tie, and grey skirt and a black blazer.

I attended Hodder High, one of the top five schools in Lagos, It had about a hundred students, which might be considered small, but it was all because of the very expensive school fees and competitive nature. You couldn't get in if you didn't get at least seventy-five percent in the common entrance exam. 

"Sweetie?" Mum's smallish voice came through the door.

"Yes mum?" I asked switching off my phone.

"Are you awake?"

I rolled my eyes knowing she won't see me, temped to say 'duh! Is it my spirit that is talking? Abeg' but instead I replied her with a brief yes, and got up from the bed.

I opened the door and met her gaze, she sure looked surprised to see me dressed. Like who wouldn't? The earliest I've gotten up in the past was like six forty when school starts by 7:30,  but today I decided to break the record.

"I'm surprised you're early today. We want to pray. Come and join us."

I frowned and shut the door before locking it. Pray my foot. "Yemisi! Yemisi!!" Mum pounded the door as she shouted my name, I merely rolled my eyes and hissed concurrently.

"Yemisi!" She continued calling. 

"If you like break the door. you have money, you'll fix it. I'm not coming out." I sighed. I plopped back down on the bed and picked up my phone and earpiece.

She groaned and yelled angrily, her voice wavering slightly. "No breakfast for you!!! Maybe the hunger will knock some sense into you." She shouted

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