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"Here" breakfast was pushed into the room. I quickly shot out of the bed, I was so hungry. I mumbled a thank-you and started devouring the food. Don't blame me, I didn't eat dinner last night. These sick Idiots just tied me up and then dumped me in a room

I was busy thinking of a plan to get myself out of here and to also get my sister out. And here was the plan.....beat up the man with broom. And then run out.

You're forgetting the fact that he has body guards. And other people to help him.

I exhaled. Well sue me for being unable to come up with a killer plan.

Once I was done eating. I kept my plate at a corner of the room and stripped out of my clothes. I took a long shower and changed into a white levi top and grey Nike shorts. I sat on the bed and switched on the TV.

As I watched some Nigerian TV series like Jennifer's diary, the door opened. A man walked in and turned off the TV. "God no nau?!" I protested "why?? She was about to call the security!" I hissed.

He chuckled amused then bent down so his head was almost touching mine. He raised up my chin making me look him in he eye. "Just so you know, you're not leaving here anytime soon. And you won't just live in luxury."

I raised my brows in confusion then when it dawned on me, I did what a normal human would do... I screamed. So loud that he covered his ears and slapped me. That shut me.

But didn't kill my naija self.

I shot up from the bed and began to kick in all directions, front, right, back, left. Also punching in all directions. Back, right front, left. I got tired and eventually dropped my hands and legs.

Why am I not with a broom sef?

My plan would've worked perfectly....screw killer plan.

Again he chuckled.

"You won't even be able to kill a fly m'lady." With that he walked away.

"I'm not your lady!" I screamed after him and heard him laugh at that muttering something about me being stupid

Why didn't I take karate classes in U.S???

I sighed and plopped down on the bed. I should practice.

I got up and punched the air. Nope harder. I tried again but ended up falling down, kissing the floor.

I groaned and stood up, nursing my supposedly broken nose. "Better luck" I said to myself. I turned and faced the wardrobe.


I began to punch it as hard as I could, kicking it, swinging my fists at it. I stopped.

Not helping.

I realised that it hurt a lot when men were kicked in the groin. I needed to work on my kicking skills.

I'm sorry sir but if I get the chance to, you'll never be able to produce babies again. Never ever.


Don't ask me what's wrong with this chapter, I really don't know but I think it's a little writer's block...

Anyways please vote and comment. I've been wanting to thank you guys for the reads too. they're increasing by day and I'm real grateful. I hope we can also get this book to at least 100 votes.

When you vote, comment and actually read this book, they make me feel motivated. :))))

Stay blessed 💕

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