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I was shocked when someone jumped on me like hugged me so tight.

"Hi Yin---Rita what's up?" I asked hugging her back "just call me Yinka I love that name better besides that's my real name" she said

I smiled at her and hugged her tightly. Once we broke apart, she hugged Temi and then led us to her room. I felt the need to make Temi come because she's literally our sister now so...

Her room was themed blue and white. Just how I knew her before. She loved anything blue.

"Tony and I bought everything for the sleepover. Popcorn, Candies, ice cream, movies, extra sleeping bags just everything. And I was able to set them up. Oh! And I'm having a photo-shoot the day after tomorrow so I was wondering if you guys would tag along and we photo-shoot together?"

"Sure...and thank you" I smiled. She still had that busty attitude. "Fine by me" Temi nodded

"Let's go, let's go! Its already 7:14. We're watching Dr.Strange. is it okay? I have other options of you don't like it. There's Aladdin, Bride Wars, Pitch perfect, Aqua-man---"

"Dr. Strange is great, but can we Watch Aladdin first? Pleaseee? I've wanted to watch it for a while now but I never got the chance to so--" I began

"Gerrout. I'm watching Dr. Strange." Temi argued

"Iffa beat you? Don't comman start oh! Aladdin is what we're watching" I glared

"I will beat you too na. And who's the we?" Temi scowled throwing a pillow at me

"If you don't wanna be part of the we. Yinka and I--" I said throwing the pillow back

"I never said we're watching Aladdin oh! Don't comman call my name" Yinka playfully glared at me

"Eheeeeeen! No problem. But please na?"

"Mstcheww. We're watching Dr. Strange after. Everything oh!"

"of course...let's go! I have a two set pajamas for y'all" she said. She turned on the TV and we both pushed her bed to one side. She felt like we should use the sleeping bags instead so it would be fair.

"I'm in love with Will Smith, nobody can tell me nonsense" She said throwing popcorn in her mouth

"abi? Will Smith is just... osheyyy" I giggled.

"That's my husbandman there!" Temi shouted throwing popcorn at the TV.

"You're wasting it! Gimme joor" yinka snatched the popcorn from her "if you cannot eat the popcorn, I will eat it."

"Me and you oh!" I added. Temi stuck her tongue out at me and grabbed my ice cream while I chewed on her popcorn, sending her a glare at the same time.

We finished watching stuff around 1:56 am.

"I swear, I don't wanna sleep yet." I grumbled

"Then let's talk and gist na?"

I nodded in agreement

"Tell me about your crush. I know you like Tony"

"No nau! Don't even start.."

"Sister mi, lemme tell you something. In school, boys were fighting over this girl" Temi said

"Mhm? Are you serious?" Yinka asked

"Yes oh! Fist fight sef. Omo, see the way Tony beat Daniel ehn? Chai! Girls are looking for one! Just one! This one carried two. At least me, I have one so, I'm saved from the drama of two"

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