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I quickly scrambled out of my bed and rolled onto the floor, tears pouring out of my eyes. I couldn't speak I just laid there praying to God.

The worst thing was, my light was switched off. I didn't know if it was a good thing or not. I quickly knelt down and began to move as fast as possible to the bathroom. Once I got there, I closed the door and locked it. I switched off the light there too. Don't ask me why.

Immediately I did, I heard the door to my room burst open.

"I thought she was here?" I heard a man say

"Yes! In fact, I saw here entering the house after going out. Around that 10:25 pm time. I swear wallahi tallahi"

"Then find her! The other boys have checked around and we can't find her anywhere. Didn't you tell Kayode to lock the back door?"


Kayode? Kayode? The driver?! No...it can't be nau.

"That driver is really stupid. What if he didn't lock it and the girl ran away?! I swear I'm going to skin him alive. How can he lock the front door and leave the back door open?! I said to lock the back door and open the front door so coming in here would be easy!!" He shouted.

"At least we got the mother."

Ah!! My mommy! Jesus please protect her! I'm begging you...she's the one that has been caring for me...she went through most of the pain to bring me here, God please! Please! I can't loose her to these people!

I sniffed.

"Lagbaja, did you here that?"


"Sniff. Someone is crying. It sounded like a girl"

"And I told you to stop calling me by my name. Call me professor! Ahan! Or professor lagbaja" the other man said annoyed.

I almost laughed. I swear.

"Ah sorry. E ma binu"

"WHAT IS WASTING YOUR TIME! BRING THE GIRL" I heard a bigger voice shout, probably from outside the door. Just then I heard wailing.

"Please leave my daughter alone. Take me. Please. Take me. I'll die instead. Just leave her"



She sounded so weak.

the bathroom door was pushed open. Like the hinges literally broke.

I backed away in fear as I was faced with a bigger man. he smirked wickedly and grabbed me by my hand pulling me out of the bathroom. I immediately recognized him as that gang leader.

"Ahhhh" I screamed drenched in sweat. "Honey! What is it" I saw my mom and dad rush into the room, they both hugged me and I hugged them back tightly.

"Gun" I whispered tears streaming down my face. "They're coming for us."

My mom hugged me tighter. "No baby they're not here. They had been arrested a long time ago."

"Calm down sweetie" dad said hugging me tighter.I sighed God knows I almost peed on the bed because of that cursed dream.

We all joined our hands together and prayed against the dream. Believe it or not, I slept at 2:47am.


"class is over. Make sure you do your assignment, if not punishment awaits. And class captain? bring the assignment to my table first thing tomorrow morning" The mathematics teacher said before walking out of the class.

"I swear down, my brain is officially dead" Yimika groaned.

I shook my head and taunted"I thought you love math?"

"I will kill you if you say that word" She glared. I laughed at her and pulled her up from the chair "let's go and buy short break"

"You're sponsoring me oh!" Yimika called packing her books under the table "be using me for sugar daddy there" I said. she laughed and linked my arm in hers.

Just as we were about to open the door, the door opened to reveal Daniel. I rolled my eyes a grabbed Yimika but she pulled me back "just listen to him okay?" She said and the patted my had before walking away.

Wow. So much for being my best friend. Insert the eye roll here.

I turned back to my seat but Daniel pulled me back.

Why are people just pulling me?

"Can I help you?" I asked coldly

"Yemisi please hear me out...I'm s-sorry it wasn't something I wanted to do, I just...I had to because---"

"Holdup" I said raising my hand up to stop him from talking

"You can ask for permission to hug me but you can't ask to kiss me?! You freaking to my first kiss without my permission. You just did it to ease your hormones? Daniel, what kind of beast are you? Are you just confused?. You have a pretty and nice girl running after you but what do you do, ignore her and look for another person out of reach? and I totally understand if you don't like her in that way daniel, but you took it too far! too far! And one question. Did Tony tell you he liked me?"

"Uhm...Yemisi, you know I--"

"Its a yes or no question idiot!"

"Yes" he mumbled looking down.

"And you broke your bro code or whatever its called just because....I'm done. Okay? I'm done. You did that because you knew you liked me or let's call it infatuation. And you knew I liked Tony all along but---"

"You like me?"

I turned around to see Tony grinning down at me.

Shoo--no.... Beat me now


Okay, okay....I'm not going to give cliffhanger again I swear. Last one last one 😂😂

And how many of you got heart attack from the gun shot thing? 😂😂 I'm sorry again but I am not allowing anything to happen to my girl again. Hehe

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Omg! Thank you guys so much like really? To be exact, we're on 8.26k reads and 1.89k votes but honestly i never ever imagined this much reads...and to every one who keeps on commenting and voting and reading....I love you so much !!

And words cannot describe how much gratitude I feel towards you ❤❤❤❤

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I love you all so much and once again, thank you.

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