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"I see you took my advice and washed up" was the first thing he said to me. I sat up immediately and glared at him. "First of, you never told me to wash up. You just said I stunk"

"I was telling you so you'd have your bath. Are you that dumb?" He retorted scowling at me.

"Are you on your period? Mommy didn't get you some sanitary pad?" I asked glaring.

Daniel (1) chocked on his water and did a spit take. Michael burst out laughing and Amaka cheered. Yimika and Daniel (2) were chuckling.

Tony glared. "Nah you are on your period and that was the reason you actually stunk. Not because we went hiking. Am I right or are you wrong?"

I chocked on my spit. He was right I had started yesterday. I wasn't one to have painful periods or anything so no body really knew... Except from this idiot right here and thanks to him everyone knows.

Literally everyone in that restaurant started whispering and laughing. I stood up and threw a glare in his direction before turning to every other person. "I hope you know, you're very immature. very. You're laughing as if you haven't gotten your periods yet. "

"To be very honest" Yimika added

"And you" I said turning to Tony or whatever his name was "Acting as though your mother doesn't have her periods"

"You started it idiot" He said. I rolled my eyes and walked out. If I was being honest, I was embarrassed. 

I got to the cabin and shut the door and lay on the bed. I dipped my hand in my pocket to grab my phone when I realized I left my phone. Amaka or Yimika or Davida would probably bring it. So instead I used my laptop.

There was a knock on the door. "Yemisi" I heard Yimika call "open up"

I quickly stood up and unlocked the door. they came in and shut it "where's Amaka?" I asked.

"she went to get our lunch. Hopefully they don't catch her sneaking it in" Davida  answered. I nodded and lay back on the bed. "Sorry about what happened." Yimika apologized sitting down on the bed.

"Its fine" I forced out.

"Man! That dude had no right to do that. Tonia abi Tony. Why would he do that?" Davida complained. I shrugged swallowing. I wasn't going to cry because of some maniac. My eyes became watery and tears dropped. Argh! Who sent them now?

"Aww you're crying! Come here" Davida said hugging me.

The door was kicked open and Amaka walked in with our food. "You people are useless" she panted.

Vida blew her a kiss which she caught and threw it out of the door. "Period girl how far?"

"guy!" I groaned. What's doing this one now?

"Amaka!" Yimika and Davida called simultaneously

"Ehn? Can I help you?" She asked placing her hands on her hips

"Oh lawd" Vida said shaking her head.

Amaka sat down and began to eat. Then we realized what she was doing and immediately we rushed to the food.

"Ahan! Why did you come?! Go and be crying now?" she complained.

I laughed. "the tears have gone don't worry"

"Mkay. sorry eh?" She said patting me

"You... Ehen please who saw my phone" I asked. "I mistakenly left it on the table"

"I didn't see any" Yimika said as the others shook their head. 

Knock knock


The door opened and Daniel (1) poked his head in. "Yemisi"

I stood walked up and walked outside. "he has something to say" Daniel said referring to Tony

I turned to look at him and rolled my eyes turning to walk back inside when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Ahan chill na?" He joked. after two seconds, he placed his left hand behind his neck "so uh... Do you like doughnut?"

"TONY!" Daniel shouted.

"Sorry ah! Is it not question?" Tony glared

"See if you want to waste my time just know I have better things to do" I said

"Okay fine. You left your phone take. And I'm sorry" he said quickly placing my phone in my hand and walking away quickly.


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