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"you do??" I ask getting up immediately. She sighs and nods sadly making me almost believe my worst nightmare.

"Yeah..I did. She was the best person I'd ever seen, s-she was loving, caring.." she sniffs.

Yeah that sounded just like her. 

I was battling with myself on the inside not knowing where this was heading exactly. "It was Ife, Shade, Yinka and I at that time. She would take care of us like we were her blood sisters. She would yell at the kidnappers when they hit us and they would hit her too. She would sometimes give up her food so we'd be fed. I-I loved her like my own mother even though she was just a year older than me. I'm fourteen by the way."

I nod telling her to continue. She takes a deep breath and tries to speak but bursts into tears. Once she's calmed down, she continues.

"There was a day, I was eating and the gang leader at that time Femi, before the present one, Ade which is Femi's son took over. Femi, he came in and said he wanted me."

" I got up but Yinka pulled me back saying he was a bad man. He got vexed and pushed her away but she got up and still managed pulled me away. She was strong, determined, intimidating even some of the gang members were frightened of her. I remember the time she threatened to cut their balls off, blend it and feed it to them."

She chuckled bitterly.

"But those times are over. Femi brought out his gun. Saying she was in between him and what he wanted. I begged her to leave me. Reluctantly she did. When we were going out of the room together. Femi and I. He turned suddenly and shot her. He said and I quote 'wherever your soul goes, you'd learn not to come in between what Femi wants and him' and with that he dragged me out of the room."

She breaks into sobs again like before. The only difference is, I am not comforting her any longer.

I stand frozen then tears prick at the corner of my eyes. They flow down without a second warning. More and more till finally I scream. I hit my head repeatedly on the wall. It's almost like I'm chocking and I can't breathe. "why Heaven? Why?"

I don't know what else to do. I want to die. My only sibling, my own twin, my sister, my warrior, my play mate, is DEAD.

I cry until no tears come out and then I start hitting everything. The wall, the door, the bed. I'm frustrated, not to mention angry. That idiot killed my sister!

"Where is he?" I growled. Temi flinched and stared at me with wide eyes "w.. who?"

"That idiot! Femi?!"

"He's.. dead"

" I hope he rots in hell!" I yell.

"If there's one to rot in hell, it should be you. Screaming and disturbing my sleep" Ade said standing by the door. His eyes halfway opened.

"You Idiot!! You good for nothing fool!! You contemptible goat!!"

His eyes literally flew open and he glared at me. "What did you call me??"

" I said... Mmmfffmmf"

Temi reached out and covered my mouth with her hand cutting me off. "Please don't" she whimpered. I sighed. I guess she has already gone through enough already

"What were you saying?" Ade taunted, making me ball my fists in anger. If he continued like that, I'd slap him, no cap.

 "Nothing sir" Temi said. I cringe. Did she just call that scoundrel sir??

"Better" he said  walking out. He locked the door  and I heared his footsteps die away.

I wasted no time before falling onto the floor in a pool of my own tears

Yinka is dead!


 Don't hate me yet nau 😭

I'm sorry for not updating 😫💔

anyways, I want to go over something real quick. Just incase you've forgotten, Yinka and Heaven are the same person. It's literally in the casts. Yemisi is Nevaeh, Yinka is Heaven. 




Stay blessed💕

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