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I kept texting the unknown number over and over but I didn't get any answer. I had sent over one hundred and twenty (120) messages. All the person did was to read and not reply.

I needed to talk to my SISTER! I needed her now! I sniffed again for the hundredth time and cried myself to sleep.

My alarm blared loudly, making me jerk out of sleep. I groaned at the headache that was pounding my head and seemed to be enjoying it.

Head aches are so mean.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and swollen, making me wonder why. Then I remembered. The unknown number. The tears. My sister. Everything.

It brought fresh tears to my eyes and I let the flow freely. My  lip quivered as I tried to bite back a sob, but it came out, very loud.

"Honey?" My mom's worried voice came from the room. I gasped silently and quickly rinsed my face repeatedly. I tried to stop my eyes from looking swollen.

The door to the bathroom creaked open and mom poked her head inside. On seeing me, she sighed in relief before noticing my weird behavior. And weird face. "A..Are you okay?" She asked.

"Mhmm" I muttered. I definitely didn't trust myself to say anything. Because I knew I'd end up crying.

"Okay. You can talk to us if something's bothering you"

I nodded. Yeah right. Talk to you.

She walked out of the bathroom and then I began to take off my clothes. I had my bath and began to wash my face. I applied rosewater to it then rinsed it off before applying an Aveeno positive radiant product, using a spin brush.

Once I was done, I dressed into my uniform, then walked downstairs lazily for breakfast. O seriously needed to sleep.

I had a breakfast of waffles, sausages, tea, akara and pap, and pancake then ate an apple. I eat a lot( not every time though) but surprisingly, I remain in a good figure.

"Dear? Are you okay?" My dad asked emerging from the kitchen "yes dad. Why?"

"No. You seem a bit down. And your mom said you looked like you had been crying. And I think you do"

"I'm good. Just one of my nasty mood swings."

"I'm sorry. You'd get over it." He assured me before patting my back and kissing my forehead.

Mom insisted she drove me to school. She wanted to 'spend some time with her daughter'

I'm not saying my parents are bad or they don't care about me. They're good but no matter how much of 'time spending' I'm not going to say anything.

And I know you're like

"Sis...you're  just being problematic"
And honestly I don't know why I'm like that...I guess its just..me?

We finally pulled over at school and she kissed my forehead. "Be a good girl" she added before winding up the window. I rolled my eyes knowing she couldn't see me before turning and nodding then walking away.

School went past in a blur and before I knew it, it was closing time. Everyone was going home. Yimika wasn't in school again so I was stuck with Daniel. But it wasn't a bad thing.

It was already past five and mom hadn't showed up. Or rather the driver, or anyone I knew. School closed by four and it was already twenty-one minutes passed five.

By now, the parking lot was literally empty and almost every staff had gone

I waited for another hour before I started panicking. It was six twenty-one! A black van screeched and stopped and I turned. I recognized it. 


A black van screeched and stopped, the window at the passenger side winded down and a man brought out a gun and pointed it at the both of us. Or mainly. My sister.

Flashback over.

That was it! My eyes roamed the van then to the plate number. BTS-578-PM. That was the plate number! And it was the exact one here. I reached out to my phone to call an emergency. Oh lord please help me here.

I was beginning to panic even more. My fingers were frozen. And as much as my mind kept screaming at me to punch 112 into the keypad. My body won't bulge.

The door to the van opened and a man stepped out. He was coming in my direction? Yes he was! I tried to run but I couldn't. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out.

God please just help me at least for once in my life! I said silently. Silent tears made their way down my cheeks as I stood helplessly. "Ahh! We meet again" the man said. I recognized that voice. The one who called me.

Finally my voice returned to me and I opened my mouth to scream. He rushed and covered up my mouth. "I swear if you say a word!" He growled. I tried to struggle against his grip but to no avail. He was way stronger than I.

I wasn't having it. I kicked in all directions and tried as much as possible not to let him take me to his van. It got violent. He began to hit me. I knew my nose was probably broken. But I didn't care. If God didn't wanna help me. I'd do it on my own.

He reached into his pocket and brought out a white handkerchief and a bottle.

No! No! My mind screamed. I tried to run away but two other guys blocked me and held me down. The first one came to me and placed the handkerchief on my nose and unwillingly I inhaled it, letting darkness hug me.


Don't freak out...yet. Wait for me to tell you what's happening is real....just chill na?

Okay *deep breath*


What. Is. Happening. At. The. Moment. Is. Real

And now you're free to freak out.

Egungun be careful na express you dey go 🤣💔

Dkm 😭😫

Stay blessed 💕

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