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A/N: English is not my first language so this is a little rusty...
Note: This is her describing of her life before she met everyone and they took her in during one of her missions!
another note: Mainly written in Mae's point of view, may have a few different parts with people's points of view...
Enjoy this!

I was seated in the back of a car, December 16th, 1991. The driver who had found me as in infant was Howard Stark, along with his wife Maria. I was only three so I don't remember much of what happened. I remember Maria's horrific scream scaring me, watching the man who had saved me die. I was taken from that car, by a large muscular man with a metal arm. Who I'd later found out his name was Bucky. I remember crying in his arms but he didn't have any sympathy for me.
That's it. I don't remember anything. I was thrown in a room full of sick people speaking German, Russian, Romanian, some even speaking English. I didn't understand them, I was too young.
I was taken into a room where I heard screaming but by the time I was taken out of that room, I couldn't hear. That's when hell was unleashed in my brain, forgetting how to talk, I was silent.
One guard said to another guard, "Paltrow doesn't even know what she can do."
What can I do?​ That thought swirled around my brain for hours. I didn't even know, I was only three. I sat days on end in that cell, heavily guarded and silent as the first Christmas in that one song. Teaching myself to read lips and feeling vibrations. It was boring.
I was around thirteen when I was put on my first mission with one of the super soldiers, Pietro. He scared me, he was faster than me. His sister kept back, she was okay. Dr. Zemo smiled creepily at me as I took off with Pietro that day. I shivered at him, he scared me.
Pietro looked at me weirdly, "Are you okay?"
I didn't even know how to respond to him. How? I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. How should I know if I'm okay? I didn't even know who I am. I was grabbed by a soldier who I knew by his touch. He gave me orders using hand commands taught by some doctor. I knew them, but I didn't like them.
I fell after a girl had kicked me. I woke up at the sound of the demons screaming in my brain, I sat in that cell again. I cried. I cried for hours. I tried to fight and fight. Suddenly I was grabbed by two guards, I saw the doctor whom I was scared of. The super soldier was in the corner of this cell I was thrown in. He looked at me, I wept.
"Stay here bastard," the doctor rubbed his eyes as if he was disappointed in me, which he was.
The super soldier or should I call him Bucky sat next to me, he looked familiar to me. The doctors shut the lights off leaving Bucky and me in a cold damp cell. He tried to speak to me, then realised I was the deaf one. I tried speaking ASL to him, I was taught by a lady who I would later find out I killed. "What is your name?" I signed to him, his eyes twinkled. I could tell it had been awhile since he found joy in something.
"B-U-C-K-Y," he spelled awfully slowly, but he later got the hang of it. "Do you have a name?"
I shook my head, he was surprised.
"I was never given a name, they don't like me here," I wrote on a piece of paper. "They don't like anyone," he wrote on the other side of the paper making me smile.
A few years past, I was fifteen. I was taken from Bucky, I cried. Dr. Zemo had beaten me cursing at me to do better. I don't remember much.
I was terrified, I justed wanted someone to tell me I was going to be okay. No one did. No one knew what I could do. I wanted answers, I wanted to fight. I knew it was a fight for my life and my freedom. I was known as the Silent One after I was taken from the only friend I had. I refused to speak.
One night I was taken by Paltrow and I was told to stay quiet. My head throbbed as if he knocked me out to take me. I was given orders by a man I knew, but from where?
"Paltrow do I have a name?" I signed he looked at me confused.
"What is she saying?" he asked the man.
The man sighed and replied "Does she have a name?"
"I don't know, they took you from... before I worked here," he spelled on a tablet.
Took me? From Who? Why? When?!​ The demons screamed louder than they had in a long time. ​Do I have a name? Who am I?​ My mind screamed as tears formed in my eyes.

I woke up out of the cryofreeze, I sighed. I knew exactly what to expect. I got my orders to try to take down Rogers and Romanoff. I didn't want too. I got on the ship and Lionel gave the captives orders. That's when Rogers recognised me and grabbed my arm. He looked at me and brushed my face with his thumb.
"Maebelle," he choked, I grew angry.
Who's Maebelle? Is that me?​ My mind swirled and I grew angry and grabbed his shield.
"I'm not going to fight you!" he looked confused. "You're my—"
Everything was blocked out by me fighting him. I can't be his. No. He would've come for me years ago.​ I shook off the thoughts and went back to fighting him. Romanoff came over and smirked. "A little girl girl made you—" she shrieked at the sight of me.
WHO IS MAEBELLE?​ My mind couldn't handle this, I grew angrier as they called me Maebelle. I held tightly onto the shield and Rogers tried to fight me. The demons began screaming causing me to fall and cry and try to fight them off even though they weren't real.
"Mae," Rogers brushed my hair out of my face as the room got darker.

and this is where our story begins...

A/N: Well what happens next? I hate cliffhangers!

enjoy this thing my mama sent me after I watched Deadpool😂

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enjoy this thing my mama sent me after I watched Deadpool😂

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