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anyway without further ado
on with the show!

My eyes fluttered open, I felt an oxygen mask on me. I was being rushed by a team of doctors. ​Where am I? Where's Nat? Where's Steve? Where's Tony? ​I wanted to cry, but everything went dark again.
I woke up again in a hospital room covered with balloons, cards, and stuffed animals. I heard the soft movements of two people, they talked among themselves as if I was still out cold.
"Where am I?" I mumbled, Steve sat by my bed.
"You're in the hospital," he chuckled. "But I'm glad you're awake."
"You were out for seven weeks, the doctors told us that you had other injuries internally they needed to take care of," Wanda smiled.
"Wanda!" I hugged her, I hadn't seen her since we lived in Sokovia together.
Wanda and Steve sighed, relieved of knowing I was alive. I wondered how Tony took it, how my dad took it, how anyone else who knew me took it. "Where is everyone?" I looked around.
"Everywhere it seems," Steve sighed.
My head fell back into the pillow, Tony waltzed in. He looked rather ill like he was sick or just terribly worried about someone. I smiled but I also looked away from Tony.
"Someone's awake," he smiled.
"I don't think she wants to see you," Steve sighed.
People came in and out as the day went on, Wanda played with my hair. She seemed off about something. I didn't want to ask her about Pietro, fearing that maybe they couldn't find him. Leaving her hurt and broken about it. She told me about this artificial intelligence she seemed to have fallen in love with while I was out cold. His name was Vision, he seemed very cool.
Around three that day, two boys knocked on the door. It was Ned and Peter, I was shocked.
"Maebelle!" Peter exclaimed and relieved to see me. "Oooh," Wanda smirked, I elbowed her in the side.

Peter gave me roses and a card, I blushed. Ned waved awkwardly, but he was chill about everything. Wanda stared at the two boys, she almost used her powers before I stopped her.
"So who is this?" Peter spoke, I'd never introduced him to Wanda.
"This is my um—"
"Sister," Wanda quickly came up with a lie. "I'm Wanda Maximoff, and you are?" "I'm Peter Parker and this is Ned Leeds," Peter smiled shaking her hand. "Mae you never told me you had a sister."
"To be fair she's always working, so I never really tell anyone I have a sister," Wanda bursted out laughing and stopped really fast.
We all sat in my hospital room laughing and playing stupid games. I felt normal for once, I had my best friend Wanda with me finally. She was my only family in a way, she grew up with me, she knew sign language, and even though I couldn't hear her singing lullabies in Russian she was almost like a mother to me. "Bye!" I waved to the boys as they left.
Wanda smirked, I knew exactly what she was thinking.
"Don't even," I chuckled.
"What?" she stared off to the side playing with her hair. "You like Peter!"
"I do not! Stop Wanda!" I blushed.
"Please don't tell Tony or the others!"
"I promise," she pinky promised. "But I don't think they even know who he is." "Well Tony could probably get someone to follow him around without Peter's knowledge and Steve he could... well what can he do?" my head fell back and hit my pillow.
She laughed and smiled, I didn't know how long it had been since she smiled or laughed as hard as she did today. She braided my hair and just had a good time with me in a sucky hospital room. She ended up falling asleep before me, Steve came in after that.
"She had a long day," I laughed.
"You ready to come home kiddo?" he smiled.

I went home the next day, everything was fine. Everything was perfect in a way, a strange way. I didn't seem to care so much, until it grew annoying and I begged to know why everyone was waiting on me hand and foot.
"They're scared you're going to do something like this again," Nat said before leaving for a mission.
"I only did it because I thought Tony would never let me see my dad again," I sighed tears brimming my eyes.
"Printsessa, Tony will let you see your dad. He's just having a hard time letting go," she smiled hugging me before she left.
"Letting go of what?" I yelled slightly chuckling.
"You should know Mae Stark," she winked.
She left and I felt heartbroken, I wanted the only woman that cared for me when Wanda wasn't around. Wanda was often busy with other things now and seemed (to me) like I wasn't wanted.
I entertained myself with JARVIS asking very stupid questions or hacking in to change his name. I went to school a week later and no one noticed my absence except Peter and Ned. Whom I met up with before school.
"MAE!" Peter hugged the life out of me.
"I know I know, I'm back," I giggled taking a deep breath.
"Sorry we've just missed you," he smiled sheepishly.
I nodded and understood that Peter was probably lonely without me even if he had Ned. I walked with Peter and rode the subway with him, he was excited because he walked alone most days.
I arrived back at home or hell whatever you want to call it. A place where I sit and entertain myself with my powers but I have to keep them hidden. Wanda, Steve, Sam, and Nat walked in upset about something. I didn't know what until I turned on the news.
"Steve," I hugged him close, feeling the hurt from the failed mission on him. "Mae, it happens. It's not time to worry yet," he smiled. "I'll tell you when."
I nodded. I knew when Tony got back from his presentation for The September Project he might go off on Steve. Frankly, I was quite worried. I called Peter to calm my nerves.
"Hello Mae?" his voice beamed with it's usually perkiness.

"Peter, I'm worried," I gulped.
"Mae? What's wrong?" his voice grew nervous.
"I'm worried about Steve, I'm worried about Tony," I sighed.
"Hey, hey, Mae they'll be alright, I promise nothing bad will happen," I could feel him smiling.
If only Peter was right...

A/N: Is Mae Team Cap or Team Iron Man? Comment!

A/N: Is Mae Team Cap or Team Iron Man? Comment!

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-lydia shae❤️🖤

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