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A/N:^^Maebelle's Homecoming Dress when she talks about it... also feel free to ask why I put a picture of sebastian stan's face over the model's face. Mae's got homecoming and Peter's going to fight someone but it's going to get hot in herreee.
anyway without further ado on with the show kids (quite literally)

"Stop moping around," Wanda turned off the TV and picked up my trash. "What's the point? He clearly doesn't like me and you know this," I yelled. "Alright that's it, we're getting you out of the house!" Nat laughed.
"But first a shower," Wanda looked at Nat.
They both pulled me off the couch and dragged me to the shower. Steve was on a mission so I was left at home with Wanda and Nat. I took a shower and felt the warm water on my skin, I winced having flashbacks from HYDRA. I hated feeling the coldness of the cryofreeze, the coldness of the people there. I crept down and started crying in the shower.
I finally finished my shower, I got dressed in my favourite outfit because why not. I didn't do my makeup because no one liked me anyway. Wanda and Nat shoved me in the car because I put up a fight.
"Where are we going?" I looked out the window.
"Dress shopping," Wanda smiled.
"Goddamnit, I'm not going to homecoming!"
They pulled into some dress store, I did not want to go in. I groaned as Wanda dragged me in, she laughed. Yes, I maybe a girl, but I do not like wearing makeup, nor do I like wearing dresses. If you're being raised the way I am then you have no choice but to wear a goddamn dress.
"Oooh what about this one?" Nat smiled, holding a sparkly light blue dress. "No," I grumped.
Wanda pulled my hand and took me to look at dresses. I will admit some were cute but I was not in the mood to look at dresses. Until I found one that was red and simple. I tried it on and it fitted perfectly. I loved it.
We had a few other places to stop, I didn't care to much for them. Nat and Wanda did some stuff. I wanted to go as soon as I saw Liz.
"Can we go?" I mumbled.
"Why?" Nat looked at me.
"That's the girl Peter is taking to homecoming," my stomach was turning violently.

"Her? You're jealous of her?" Wanda smirked.
"You're Maebelle fricking Barnes! You told an enemy's agent to kiss your ass, you warped Loki's mind my God," Nat laughed.
"To be fair he was getting too close to me in the helicarrier," I smirked.
"Mae, you are so much more than this. Listen we've all been through some shit that these girls haven't which makes you stronger than them," she smiled putting her arm around me.
We left and headed back to the apartment. Steve called me and I hesitated to answer, I still had a fear of losing him and father. Which according to Tony was healthy. I didn't really know if it was.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Mae?" a familiar voice chuckled through the phone.
"Steve?" I couldn't quite figure out the voice.
"No Mae, it's your dad," my dad's voice sounded relieved to hear my voice.
"Dad is anything wrong?" I asked.
"No, no, Steve came to visit me in Wakanda," he sighed.
"Oh thank God."
I talked to him the whole ride home. I was relieved to know he was getting better everyday. I wished he was well enough to go home and live with me and Steve. It was still too perfect in my fantasies to be real.
A few days later it was homecoming, I was kind of excited but not really. I didn't know what the night will bring but I can't wait to find out. I wore ratty black converse with my dress because I wanted my own touch with the dress. Nat did my hair, Wanda helped me with my makeup.
"Nope, you can't go out," Steve laughed.
"Aww but look at how pretty she is," Wanda smiled playing with my hair.
"You know the rules," he chuckled hugging me.
"I know, I know."
"You look way to grown up Mae," Tony smiled.
"Well you know if you love something you let it go," I winked.
"I don't wanna hear a pop culture reference out of you," he hugged me.
"Too bad old man."

I got in the car and Nat drove me to the school. I saw lots of kids getting dropped off with their dates, but I didn't have a date or a group to go with. Peter and Liz were dropped off after me, Ned was there so I awkwardly sat in the corner with him.
I drank a ton of punch and I ended up having to pee. So I walked to the bathroom as Peter ran past me. When I finished up going to the bathroom I saw Ned in the library.
"Ned where the hell is Peter?"
"Are you always going to ask me that everytime you see me?" He looked at me. "Until Peter stops doing stupid stuff to piss Tony off then yes," I rolled my eyes. "He left to go find some bad dude and stole Flash's car."
"Goddamnit he's 15, he doesn't know how to drive!" I yelled.
I sat down next to Ned and hacked into the library's computer because Ned's a dumbass. I figured out where Peter was and called someone. No one believed me so I sat in the library until Peter got back.
"What are you two doing?" the librarian asked.
"We're uh watching porn," Ned came up with something.
I smacked him, we returned to helping Peter with whatever he was doing. Liz came in because she saw me and Ned. I grumbled quietly.
"Hey Mae do you know where Peter is?" she spoke in a rude tone.
"No, haven't seen him," I mocked her tone.
"Well if you see him give him this message," she flipped me off.
"Will do," Ned and I mockingly sluted her.
Peter ran back into the school, I was sitting in the gym by then after helping Ned. I was about ready to leave even though there was still about two hours left of the dance.
Michelle even was dancing with someone, I felt singled out watching everyone have a good time. I shoved a cookie in my mouth because no one was going to dance with me. I almost made it to the door when Peter stopped me as Sabrina Carpenter's "Darling I'm a Mess" came on.
"You wanna dance?" he gave me that stupid smile I fell hard for.

I grabbed his hand and we went on the dance floor. He tried to teach me how to slow dance, I giggled. His hands held my waist perfectly, even if it wasn't a slow dance. It was a perfect song for us.
"I'm sorry," I looked up at him.
"For what?"
"That I called Tony and got you in trouble, I'm sorry," I sighed.
"I'd like to think that if you hadn't called him, we wouldn't be in this gym dancing together right now," he smiled.
I put my head on his chest and felt his heartbeat. I felt his emotions, he felt feelings for me. I didn't say a thing, neither did he. We just knew. We were in love. I finally understood love!
"I love you Peter," I whispered.
"Did you say something Mae?"
He kissed me. I tried to stay calm in front of him, but when the night was over I melted in Nat's car.
"He kissed me," I smiled in a dreamy daze.
"Alright Cinderella don't tell Steve," Nat giggled.
"I won't," I bit my lip.



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You are freaking welcome
-Lydia Shae & Kassidie Annabelle💕

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