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A/N: Last chapter I'm sorrrryyyy omg I loved writing this book but all good things must come to an endgame😉 anyway Maebelle's going to go insane! I love you all and book two may come out between January-March but now anyway without further ado on with the show (quite literally)

I was sitting bored as hell in Steve's apartment. Wanda and Vision left for someplace and everything sucked ass. Tony lost his custody over me so he was depressed but he and Pepper were engaged so.
Steve and I rushed off for Wakanda to go visit my dad when we got an alert from everyone that a war was coming. My anxiety kicked in horribly after we got on the jet to Wakanda.
"So you skipped school to go to Wakanda?" Nat chuckled softly.
"Lucky you're Barnes' daughter," she smiled.
Weird things began happening as soon as we were near Scotland. TVs and monitor's began saying that the "beloved Tony Stark was missing". I scoffed as I felt as if this was a publicity stunt set up by him. I realised it wasn't when Steve tried to get a hold of him.
"He's not answering anyone Steve," I said my heartbeat was louder than my voice.
My anxiety started swallowing me whole and I tried catching my breath. I couldn't my head throbbed and I felt sick to my stomach. We landed in Scotland because of Wanda and Vision.
"Stay here," Steve said.
"Okay," I mumbled.
My anxiety settled after a while. It still was high, something didn't feel right. Nat, Steve, Wanda, Vision, Sam, and I all headed off to Wakanda to fight. I got up and looked at Vision who some guy was after because of some stone in his head. He looked pretty banged up, I felt horrible. Wanda was crying in the corner.
I looked on my phone I had three texts from Peter.​ Peter: Where are you? Ned and I missed you at the field trip. I love you <3​. I didn't reply or get suspicious until Aunt May called me.
"Where's Peter?" her voice filled with anxiety.
"I don't know Aunt May, I wasn't at school today," I gulped.

"He was on a field trip and now he's gone from the field trip Ned doesn't know where he is," she sobbed.
"I'm so sorry I will let you know if I hear from him."
"Okay thank you so much Maebelle," she sighed trying to catch her breath. "You're welcome Aunt May."
I kept the phone call a secret from Nat and Steve. I was beyond worried now, I wanted to call someone. I wanted to hear someone's voice saying he was going to be okay.
I didn't know if I looked anxious. I groaned as my stomach kept doing flips. There was something off about this war. We arrived in Wakanda, Steve hugged T'Challa. Whom I am not fond of since he tried to kill my father, but apparently is know trying to help my father. We sat inside a lab that had more tech than Tony's lab, like forty years ahead of Tony's tech.
My dad was somewhere I didn't know. That's all I really wanted, my dad. If you're me, you know that comes with a illegal task or almost getting killed by a Wakandan prince now king. I walked around this lab poking my nose in a lot until I was stopped by a girl who looked no younger than 17. She looked smart, but tough. Her name was Shuri.
"Can I help you?" Shuri spoke with a thick Wakandan accent.
"Sergeant Barnes, my dad?" I said smiling.
"Oh uh yes come with me," she smiled. "You must be Maebelle."
"I am, where is my dad?" I asked.
"Oh don't worry we're helping him. He's told me stories about you, he's quite proud of you Miss Barnes," she looks at me with a serious face.
She nodded and we arrived to where my dad was. I ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back and held my head with his new metal arm. I let my tears fall down and hit my hair.
"Oh my beautiful angel," he cried.
"Daddy, I'm scared about the war," I cried into his shoulder.
"We're going to protect you okay, Steve, Nat, and everyone else is going to protect you," he smiled.

I wished so desperately I could believe him, but I still had a pit of worry in my stomach. Which when we went back to the lab I threw up, because of my nerves. I kept trying to fight the feeling. I pushed the feeling down and put on a brave face for everyone.
We sat for hours just trying to figure stuff out, how to help Vision. I was bored and anxious I tried distracting my mind but I didn't know where Peter was. I wish I did, I didn't like this. I began taking stuff out of my backpack and doodling stuff.
"This is so boring when is it starting?" I yelled.
"When it gets here!" T'Challa replied.
"Goddamnit," I went back to doodling.
After awhile we all ran outside after an alarm went off. We were going to war. I knew it and it was coming from space. Oh good God. What if that's where Peter is? Oh my God! We ran outside of the city and into the farm lands to where my dad lived.
We all lined up and everyone started chanting this weird thing. I have no clue what. We began fighting these weird animal things. I didn't know but it was scary. I stayed near Wanda and Nat. I screamed and cried mostly because I was terrified and fighting.
Thor appeared with a tree thing and a racoon. I thought his obsession with his hammer was weird this is just a whole other level. I still fought and fought. I was growing tired. I pushed through it until a giant purple thing whose name was Thanos, came through a whole or portal I don't remember.
I heard Wanda crying but I couldn't run after her. My dad and Steve were somewhere. Steve tried ripping this gauntlet glove I don't know off of Thanos. Then Thor went after him I thought he had it. I was next to my dad when a giant snap went off and weird stuff started happening.
"Steve?" my dad looked over at Steve and then me and turned to dust?
"DAD!" I screamed my eyes widen and I began screaming and crying.
Steve held on to me, I was sobbing hysterically my mind couldn't handle this. I was going to burst. Where did my dad go? Where! I wanted answers. I needed to kill Thanos if it was the last thing I did. He killed my father, it's time to kill Thanos.

"We're in the endgame now," Steve sighed. "Where's everyone! Where's Wanda!" "Gone," Nat cried.
"NO! NO!" I sobbed hysterically.
I was held tightly by Steve, I didn't let go I sobbed in his arms. He tried to calm me down but I didn't know if he knew how I felt. He was mourning the loss of his best friends. Maybe it's time for a new type of hero?

To Be Continued...

A/N: The End or is IT? starting the new book The Adventures of Emma Stark-Rogers❤️ ENJOY IT BECAUSE IT IS JUST PURE FLUFF AND SOME OTHER THIND😘

A/N: The End or is IT? starting the new book The Adventures of Emma Stark-Rogers❤️ ENJOY IT BECAUSE IT IS JUST PURE FLUFF AND SOME OTHER THIND😘

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-Lydia Shae & Kassidie Annabelle💕

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